Sh. Philip Lee’s chemotherapy update, Korea

  • by WMD
  • May 18, 2012
  • 931 reads

The week before last, though he went through a third round of chemotherapy, he spent the last two and half weeks without any side effects. It was probably because the volume of the injection was slightly reduced.  He even exercised for about an hour a day since his body was in good condition due to his appetite being restored. As a result, his weight increased up to 60kg (160.8 lbs.). Today I saw that he easily emptied a bowl of sam-gye tang (chicken soup mixed with ginseng, rice, and dates). In spite of the removal of his stomach due to cancer, his body adjusted properly and he has no problem consuming food.   

This coming Monday, May 21, he will go through the fourth round of chemotherapy. He said, “I have confidence that I can cope with it if it is like the third round.” He also asked for continuous prayer support, saying “I am doing well thanks to all the prayers from shepherds worldwide.” Please continue to pray for him.

By Moses Yoon (Korea)