The Graceful World Mission Report Meeting, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jun 05, 2012
  • 746 reads

The Graceful World Mission Report Meeting

This year’s first world mission report meeting was held on May 21 at 8pm at the 100th Year Christian Memorial Auditorium in Seoul with the title, “A Desert into a Rose.” About 600 brothers, sisters, and leaders attended the meeting from and around Seoul. Six missionaries shared their mission reports, which were full of grace, yet challenging. Each missionary experienced victory in his/her own field and taught us the secrets of a victorious Christian and shepherd life.




M. Moses Noah and M. David Hong testified how they overcame their school studies as student missionaries while maintaining a clear spiritual direction, and their testimonies gave good direction to undergraduate and graduate students. M. Curie Lee is a mother of six children, but she overcame work and graduate studies and bore a fruitful life of mission.  Her testimony was a good example for the married women leaders who bear the cross of raising children and shepherding. M. Isaac Chung revealed how miserable a sheep’s life without knowing Jesus is and how God revived his soul through his life testimony. His testimony helped our one-to-one Bible teachers to have a shepherd heart for sheep. M. Caleb Hong taught us with what kind of attitude a shepherd must raise a sheep through his deep, humorous, and heart-moving testimony. M. Andrew Yoon is a missionary in Nigeria, one of the most difficult mission fields. He suffered a lot and bore much hardships, and his testimony was very moving and challenging to all of the brothers and sisters who can easily fall into an easy-going and powerless Christian life.

Pastor David Kim asked us to give a big applause to all of the missionaries whose lives of suffering for Christ were truly heart-moving. He also encouraged the audience to pray for and attend the upcoming three African regional conferences to be held in August. The graceful world mission report meeting will continue in Young Nam, Jeju, Ho Nam, and Dae Jun.

Report by Caleb Kim, World Mission Dept.
