Wuppertal Mission Update and Prayer Topics, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Jun 12, 2012
  • 792 reads
Hello, and greetings from Wuppertal. Earlier this month, our fellowship united with msn. Lukas' fellowhip and Duesseldorf UBF, held a Bible School in Wuppertal. The theme was "How do you pray?" We focused on Psalm 31, 51, 139, and 151. We chose these themes to learn about how King David prayed to God in different situations in his life (in fear, self-doubt, guilt, and thankfulness). These Psalms revealed his intimate and personal relationship with God and our bible students were able to take one word with them at the end of our Bible School. 
A few months ago, a new student joined us. Her name is Nicky. She is from Congo and had recently began searching for God and god led her to us. I am praying to have Bible study with her. Please pray for me. 
Please pray for our bible students:
1. Matthias: For spiritual desire (he comes regularly to service but mainly for the fellowship)
2. Patrick: For the Holy spirit to convict him and meet Jesus as his personal savior
3. Natalja: To accept Jesus' death on the cross 
4. Nicky: To begin Bible study
My coworkers and I are meeting every Mondays to pray. Soon we will begin Bible studies with Msn. Lukas. Please pray for us to grow spiritually and in deeper knowledge of God's words. 
Paul and I and our children have settled in very well in Wuppertal. Thank you so much for your prayers. 
In Christ,