La Plata UBF and Buenos Aires UBF Had a Joint Sunday Worship Service

  • by WMD
  • Jul 12, 2012
  • 761 reads

La Plata UBF & Buenos Aires UBF

Since last May, missionaries from La Plata UBF and Buenos Aires UBF decided to hold a monthly meeting. We also decided to hold a joint Sunday worship service every three months, once in Buenos Aires and the other in La Plata. Last June 17, we had our first joint Sunday worship service in Buenos Aires UBF. I delivered a message from Daniel 12.

Buenos Aires UBF has a very young orchestra consisting of Katherine, Claudia, Sandra and M. Ruth Kim. They practiced until late at night and served the music for the worship service. La Plata served a high level of praise music for the service.

Through the study of Daniel, we learned that “The wise will shine like the brightness of the heaven,” so we decided to live as disciple-makers who teach the righteousness of God. We will also have the first winter conference during August 18-20.

While preparing Sunday message alone at the center on Saturday, I sometimes had a sorrowful mind. But I realized that preparing the Sunday message with all my heart is the only way that I can serve sheep and ministry. I pray to give my heart to serve Mark’s Gospel ministry. May God send 10 new sheep.

Sh. Lorenzo from Bolivia UBF came to Buenos Aires for training. He is a great encouragement to us. He can serve our music ministry and also with computer. He has a goal to read the entire Bible once. I pray that he may adjust well to the simple lifestyle and not fall into pleasure-seeking life. He may deeply meditate the word of God.

M. Erendira is struggling with finishing 6 papers for her graduate law degree, full-time work at the Mexican Embassy, common life with sisters, serving the work of God and she misses her new husband who is still in Bolivia. I pray that the river of God’s grace may flow in her heart so that she may not grow weary, but learn to depend on God one by one to overcome her missionary life.

By M. Marcos Kim