2012 UBF Second Generation Education

  • by WMD
  • Jul 14, 2012
  • 1160 reads

July 23, 2012

From July 3-7, 2012, UBF second generation education was held by the Jongro center in Korea with 26 attendees.

On the first day, there was a lecture on UBF spirit, ministry, and vision. Through this lecture, the second gens were able to learn what UBF really is – that UBF is not just about methodology in raising disciples and lay missionaries, but about having a biblically-based spirit, and this spirit is what they really have to inherit and cherish during their lifetime.

In the afternoon, the second gens visited Yangwhajin, the missionary cemetery. They saw a video lecture on the history of Yangwhajin and a brief history on the lives of the missionaries buried there. All of the second gens had deep thoughts meditating on what made those missionaries give their lives to a faraway country, fighting against persecution and endemic diseases.

On the second day, the second gens visited Kwangju UBF. They visited the Daeindong building where the first UBF center was. There, Charles Kim Jr. and Peter Lee (grandsons of the late Dr. Samuel Lee) prayed representatively that the second gens may learn and inherit the late Dr. Samuel Lee’s gospel spirit. After visiting Chonnam Univ., they moved to the Kwangju center. After dinner, the second gens had a time for testimony sharing. Through sharing their life problems with each other, they came to form a deeper relationship in Christ and began to pray for each other’s prayer topics. In between, they sang in groups, praising the Lord.

On the third day, the second gens visited Pastor Sohn, Yangwon Memorial Hall and Aeyangwon Hospital Museum. Pastor Sohn had ministered to Aeyangwon church, which was for lepers. Once while he was ministering to that church, a communist revolt occurred nearby. During the revolt, two of his sons were shot to death. After a crackdown on the revolt, the killer was captured. But Pastor Sohn decided to forgive the killer according to the command of Jesus who said that we should love our enemies and pray for them. Pastor Sohn even adopted the killer as his own son. All of the second gens learned what true Christian love is. In addition, through the lecture of one elder who had worked at Aeyangwon Hospital as an X-ray technician for 30 years, the second gens were able to learn what true missionary spirit is, that is, agape love. For instance, Dr. Wilson had been the president of Lepers’ Hospital at Sorok Island. After retirement, he left the hospital. Then there was a revolt by the lepers who demanded that they be moved to the mainland of Korea. Nobody could calm them down. The U.S. military government then hurriedly sent Dr. Wilson to that island. The lepers welcomed Dr. Wilson wholeheartedly and Dr. Wilson became a mediator for them.

On the final day, there was a lecture on UBF spirit, and after that, the second gens visited Kyoungbok Palace and the SNU campus. At the UBF club room of SNU, Juliana Hong (daughter of the late Dr. Daniel Hong), Charles Kim. Jr. (son of Dr. Charles Kim and Little Sarah Kim), and Mary Lim (daughter of M. Isaac and Deborah Lim) prayed representatively that God may raise up 1,000 professor shepherds and missionaries from the SNU campus.

Through this program, the second gens renewed their identities as second gen UBF missionaries and learned what they should inherit and cherish during their lifetime and what they should hand down to the next generation.


  • Hannah Choi (Mexico UBF)
  • Peter Lee (U of I UBF, Illinois)
  • Hannah Ku (Washington UBF)
  • Sarah Seo (Washington UBF)
  • Lois Han (Vienna, Austria UBF)
  • Rebekka Ryu (Mainz, Germany UBF)
  • Josephine Kim (Trenton, New Jersey UBF)
  • Paul Lee, Jr. (Geneva, Switzerland UBF)
  • Mary Lim (Chicago UBF, Illinois)
  • Vision Kim (Zambia UBF)
  • Somang Kim (Zambia UBF)
  • Seong Eun Kim (Campinas, Brazil UBF)
  • Josephine Wang (Chicago UBF, Illinois)
  • Pauline Lee (Athens, Greece UBF)
  • Charles Kim Jr. (Chicago UBF, Illinois)
  • Juliana Hong (Lehigh UBF, Pennsylvania)
  • Jessica Pottenger (Lehigh UBF, Pennsylvania)
  • Sarah Lee (Chicago UBF, Illinois)
  • Anna Joy Ahn (Chicago UBF, Illinois)
  • Mary Lee (Milwaukee UBF, Wisconsin)
  • Samuel Lee (Milwaukee UBF, Wisconsin)
  • Esther Lee (Milwaukee UBF, Wisconsin)
  • Rebecca Kim (Washington UBF)
  • Caleb Kim (Washington UBF)
  • Esther Lee (Athens, Greece UBF)
  • Susanna Lee (Athens, Greece UBF)