Kwangju III UBF Held a Summer Bible Conference Titled “Who is Jesus?”

  • by WMD
  • Jul 24, 2012
  • 723 reads

Kwangju III UBF (South Korea)

July 24, 2012

Kwangju III Summer Bible Conference was held at Seonunsan Youth Hostel located in Kochang, Cheonbuk Province with the theme “Who is Jesus?” from June 29 - July 2. One month before, we started prayer meetings to prepare for the conference. God accepted our prayers and sent 155 attendees (including 48 sheep) from Kwangju III, 12 (including two sheep) from Ulsan, 12 (including 6 sheep) from Jinju. So, in total 179 people attended. And God blessed our programs with abundant words and grace of God.

The first day, Sh. Bae, Hyung-Min delivered the opening message "I want to see" (Mark 10:46-52). Through his message we realized that we are spiritually blind. Our eager spiritual desire was aroused to see who Jesus is. That night, Sh. Vision Lee testified to “Jesus, Healer” based on Mark 5 in which Jesus healed the Gerasene demoniac. Sh. Lee wore a maskin order to realistically represent the demon possessed man and used modern buzzwords to gain the interest of the new students.

The second day, Sh. Jae-Seok Kim delivered main lecture 1 entitled: “Jesus, the Savior” based on Mark 2:1-17, in which Jesus healed a paralytic and proclaimed the forgiveness of sins. In his message Sh. Kim made a decision to live as a lay shepherd.

The third day, the main lecture 2 was: “Jesus who was crucified” (Mark 15:1-39) and was delivered by Sh. Aquila Moon who is a surgeon. He understood well the pain of the cross as a surgeon and realistically explained the meaning of the sacrifice on the cross. The love of Jesus who was crucified on the cross due to our sins was well communicated to the audience. That evening, Sh. Jeremiah Park served the evening lecture 2 with the title of "The risen Christ" (Mark 16:1-20). We all learned that we can overcome our current lukewarm lives when we have resurrection faith and live as witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection.

The fourth day’s morning messenger was Sh. Barnabas Kim. He delivered “Jesus, the Christ” (Mark 8:27-38). Even though he preached a message for the first time in his life at this conference, he did pretty well. He felt too burdened in the beginning but once he started the message he became stable and testified well that Jesus is the Christ. The main lecture 3 was “Jesus’ second coming” (Mark 13:1-37) delivered by Sh. Chi-Young Park. Through this message we realized that Jesus’ second coming is very near. We gained the spiritual direction of great hope in Jesus’ second coming in glory and great power and we can strive to preach the gospel of Jesus to all nations.

There were a total of seven life-testimony speakers. The second day, two medical missionaries, Luke and Hannah Jeong (Orthopedics and Pediatrics) from Bangladesh shared their medical mission lives in the Muslim world.

The second evening, M. Moses Noah from Philadelphia, PA, USA gave us a special biographical lecture with the theme of “A Life of Taking Footnotes of the Words of God.” There were praise, drama, and duet drama full of God’s grace.

God abundantly blessed all the programs for four days and three nights. Through this conference we all learned who Jesus is and made good relationships with Jesus. Especially student leaders spiritually grew as main characters of God’s work. I pray that all student leaders and sheep may learn Jesus more deeply during this summer and stand firm as spiritual disciples of Jesus.

By Abraham Cho
