The First Day of Northern-Eastern African Regional Bible Conference Report (Kampala, Uganda)

  • by WMD
  • Aug 03, 2012
  • 923 reads

August 3, 2012

Thank God for blessing for the 2012 Nothern-Eastern African Regional Bible Conference at Kampala, Uganda by sending 170 people from Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, USA, Germany, Korea, and Uganda. We are amazed by the Egyptian students who M. Oyer Moses raised while he was studying for his Ph.D. in Egypt. Some American and Korean Delegates have not come to the conference yet due to their airplane’s mechanical problems.

On the first day, Dr. Joseph Chung gave the opening message based on Isaiah 49:1-7, entitled, “A Lord’s Servant.” He came to Uganda as a silver missionary along with M. Ester Chung September, 2009. During his message, he repented that he did not sharpen his sword nor polish his arrow but used his old Bible study materials (Isa 49:2). At the same time, he challenged the African leaders to be a light for the Gentiles (Isa 49:6) so that Africa can be raised as a kingdom of priests and holy nations.

The first main message was delivered by Johnson Deng who was married last May in Malakal, South Sudan. He confessed that Jesus is the Christ of God. He also encouraged other African brethrens to confess Jesus as their Christ of God. We pray that God may bless all the programs and learn the practical meaning of living as witnesses of Jesus and pioneer 55 African countries from their heart, not by principle or theory.

By Paul Chung
