Northern Europe UBF Experienced a Spiritual Revival at a Beautiful Beach of Denmark

  • by WMD
  • Aug 09, 2012
  • 956 reads

Europe UBF

August 9, 2012

"Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."   - Acts 2:38 - ’”

From July 27 to 29, the northern Europe UBF Summer Bible Conference was held at Græsted, a beautiful beach of Denmark in northern Europe. Thank God for blessing this conference with an abundance of His Word and the Holy Spirit.

In preparation for this conference, we decided on the theme of “spiritual revival” because we realized that our missionaries and bible students absolutely need it. Two months before the conference, the missionaries in Denmark, Norway and Sweden had a united prayer meeting on “Skype” every week.

God gave us the main lecture one based on Luke 24, where the risen Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, delivered by John Choo. Through this message, we learned that we can recover our passion when we meet the risen Jesus again through the word of God. After the message, we shared about the grace of God who met and saved us in the most critical moment of despair through showing a life graph each person prepared.

The main lecture two was given by Joseph Jin on Acts 2, based on the message of repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through this message, we newly came to repent and could have a holy desire to live a life full of the Holy Spirit.

In the evening, Abraham K. Lee served the message of John 4, where Jesus saved a Samaritan woman. Through this message, we learned the importance of one person changed. We could see a great vision of the work of God to be accomplished in northern Europe through one ancestry man of faith. Afterwards, there were gracious graduation testimonies given by Abraham K. Lee who recently got a doctoral degree, Pauline Lee who graduated from a college of education, and Grace Choo Jr. who graduated from high school. 

The main lecture three was delivered by Caleb Lee from Denmark based on 2 Timothy 2, which talks about being a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Through this message we could make a clear decision of faith to willingly bear any kinds of small and big difficulties in the mission field.

At every morning devotional, Rene from Köln, Germany graciously served the words of “Daily Bread” and we could start every day with thankful hearts, holding onto one word of God. Women missionaries made clear decisions of faith to sacrificially serve the work of God as missionaries and mission co-workers through deep group Bible study with Sarah Lee from Köln, Germany. Thank God that even the second gens had a good group Bible study that gave them a holy desire to have personal faith in Jesus and helped them to make a decision to be soldiers of Christ Jesus.

Above all, through this conference all the missionaries deeply repented of their lack of devotion to the work of God. At the same time, they shared an earnest common prayer topic to raise up one ancestry spiritual leader in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden through sacrificially serving their respective campus ministries and being filled with the Holy Spirit.   

I sincerely pray that God may bless our prayers and devotion and raise up one ancestor of faith in each country of northern Europe.  

By Caleb Lee (Denmark)
