Seeing God's Vision for the M.E. During the Second and Third Day of M.E. Conference

  • by WMD
  • Aug 26, 2012
  • 879 reads

August 26, 2012

Our group Bible studies which were divided by Arabic, English, Korean, and women group were well served by foreign guests and everyone wrote deep testimonies.

The first main lecture was by N(L) entitled, "The Harvest is Plentiful" based on Luke 10:1-24. His message challenged us to accept that the harvest is plentiful in the M.E too. Jose A gave a special lecture, "The River of Life, Jesus." based on Ezekiel 47:1-12. Wherever the river flows, everything will live! We saw a great vision that Jesus can change the Dead Sea into fresh water and that M Nations will be missionary sending nations!. M gave the second main message, "Have Faith in God!" based on Mk 11;20-26. Our faith in God means faith in his word. He testified how God slowly but mightily was working through his house church. Several mission reports were enough to refresh our spirit by their courageous faith that enabled their hardships to become blessings by the help of God. 

Three native spiritual leaders among eight shared their testimonies and were very clear about how and why they believed in Jesus. We saw the vision of God for the students of this region.

Sports fellowship refreshed us. Arab night was very joyful, powerful, and creative performed by house church after house church including all CBF members too. From foreign delegates we had the privilege to listen to Abraham K's 'Amazing Grace' with guitar and David K's song, "The Lord's Prayer." Our coworkers forgot their hardships for a while enjoying small heavenly kingdom on the second day that lasted until late at night. During the conference we celebrated two birthdays too. One of them was M. Joanne's. As she is so devoted for M.E mission, her birthday had a great meaning for her and for all.

When we visited the CBF meeting, they looked so happy with Tim's excellent service together with Joanne, Liz, and Monica from Chicago. They had well prepared programs such as Bible study, art work, games, and Bible memorization.  At the end, Tim rewarded them one by one.
