Viva Guatemala!-Visiting Report By Jose Ahn

  • by WMD
  • Sep 28, 2012
  • 736 reads

“That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Cor 12:10

Guatemala UBF

September 28, 2012

Recently Guatemala UBF suffered a lot from various hardships that occurred in a short period of time to our co-workers there: Josue Ham’s financial difficulties; M. Ana’s severe facial paralysis; two local house churches and two missionary house churches’ difficulties; two center robberies; and a volcano eruption near Guatemala City. All of these occurred at almost the same time. How could they deal with these troubles? HQ sent M. Jose Ahn to go, see, and help as much as possible September 15-19.

By God’s grace and prayers from all over the world and M. Timothy and Hannah Lee’s wise help, M. Josue Ham received the direction and wisdom to solve his self-supporting problems. M. Ana is getting much better with the help of S. Abraham Gilberto’s injections and acupuncture treatments. She even came out to the airport to welcome the visiting missionary. God was using her sickness to enable love for one another to grow all the more between husband and wife. When the famous herb doctor had to go out of the country for a while, M. Josue gave his heart to heal her using his own acupuncture techniques which he had already learned. God seems to use the difficulties of the missionary house churches to strengthen the Guatemalan local leaders and members (Abraham, Edward, Cesar, Dimas, Carina, Rosario, Sylvia, Saul, Alan, Harry, Ivan) to have more stewardship and for Guatemalan campus mission. They came to pray for M. Ana and they made a meal schedule for the guests in order to alleviate the burden on M. Ana. They showed their love and appreciation toward the missionaries. Thank and praise God for his wisdom to strengthen local leadership and stewardship through the recent difficult situations. May God bless Guatemalan leaders to be owners and stewards of God’s work in Guatemala, Latin America, and the entire world. May God bless M. Josue and Ana’s house church to continue to raise Guatemalan spiritual leaders.

By Jose Ahn
