Canberra UBF Mission Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Oct 10, 2012
  • 1286 reads

Canberra UBF (Australia)

October 10, 2012

In January, M. Joshua Lee, Hannah Lee Jr. and Brother Chris Boment shared very gracious Korean visiting reports (Dec. 11 to Jan. 12) with great joy and full of God’s grace.

In February, we served freshmen invitation ministry during the orientation period. Since more than 20 passing students voluntarily came by and signed the invitation cards, we could re-register the ANU student club. Now we can borrow a classroom for our meeting. Sh. Chris served this invitation ministry wholeheartedly. By the grace of God, I delivered a presentation about God’s sacrificial love and love of training. I really thank God for blessing me to live a life of delivering God’s love to the campus students in this way. Also, Sh. Hannah Jung from Anam UBF, Korea visited us and served me with the words of God and love.

During March, we had a daily bread meeting especially for the student leaders for one month. We gathered at 6:30 every morning and wrote daily bread testimonies. Among us Sh. Chris, Sh. Chuong, and Hannah Jr. attended most faithfully. In this month, Sh. Noah and Grace Kim from Kwanak UBF visited us and stayed with us for 3 days and 2 nights on the way going back to Korea. We shared God’s mission, grace and joy with them, and we all newly could feel the kingdom of God expanding and renew our desire to live more diligently for God’s holy campus mission.

In April, we had a joint Easter Bible conference with Macquarie UBF, Sydney. Missionaries wholeheartedly delivered the main messages and student leaders served 10-minute morning messages and life testimonies.

From Macquarie UBF, M. Mark Lee and M. Moses Kang delivered the messages. M. John Jun Jr. served duo drama based on the resurrection message and it was so powerful and gracious that all attendants made lots of laughs. Especially Chris and Chuong gave a great encouragement to Canberra UBF co-workers since it was their debut messages. Brother Edmund also who has been faithfully attending our group Bible study and the Sunday worship service shared his life testimony before people for the first time in his life.  

In May, Sh. Chuong who is graduating this year, experienced the power of prayer. He has been earnestly praying to remain in Canberra after graduation. For this, he applied for an internship to a hospital in Canberra. And he received an internship offer from the hospital as he prayed. When he was a freshman he was invited to UBF by M. David Park Jr. who has served him with the words of God, daily bread, prayer and love until right before going back to Korea for army duty. He has been faithfully attending our Sunday worship service and Bible study from freshman to senior without missing once and has successfully borne his school studies. He confessed that he learned the cross of Jesus during this period. I pray that he may continually live by faith and grow as a spiritual leader who learns and seeks the cross of Jesus.

In June, for six weeks, we learned about establishing house churches through Genesis (1:26-2:23; 6; 12; 15) Bible study. The student leaders learned and accepted the meaning of marriage by faith. Typically, a young man's first criterion for marriage is to look for a woman who has a pretty face and a lovely character. But, Sh. Chuong's first criterion is a woman who loves God. May God bless his spiritual value system for marriage by faith and send him a beautiful woman of faith who loves God.  Another graceful event we had in June was the farewell dinner for Natalia who was leaving for Scotland. She came to ANU as an exchange student and frequently attended Friday Group Bible Study. May God bless her to continue to study the Bible in Scotland and grow in her faith and deepen her personal relationship with God.  Sh Eva served the farewell dinner for Natalia. Eva as a medical student was under constant time pressure but had been sharing God’s word and having a good friendship with Natalia every Friday in Group Bible study.  In addition to these beautiful sisters in God, we have a faithful woman of prayer, Sh Sejin who is away from us but praying for our campus ministry. At the present, Sh Sejin is working for hospitals in long distance areas as a medical doctor and joining Melbourne UBF worship service and having Bible study with M Deborah Yang there.     May God grant her a PR visa and a position near either Canberra UBF or Melbourne UBF.

In July, Chuong passed all the 1st semester exams of his final year and got a confirmation of internship from the ANU Teaching Hospital by God's grace upon his faithfulness. Sh. Chris, Sh. Edmund and Hannah Jr. also got good academic achievements.

In August, we started Romans Bible study and we had campus prayer meeting for 2 weeks (Wed. to Sat.) during the term break. We extended our hearts to pray for the world campus mission especially for the Int'l Bible Conf. 2013 in Indiana University, Pennsylvania, USA as well as our Canberra UBF ministry. Hannah Jr. said she enjoyed the meeting and had a good experience to pray for people outside of Australia.

In September, from Sydney UBF, M. Aquila and Priscilla came together with their children Anna and Paul as well as their Bible students Sh. Andy and Jimmy and Cathy had visited Canberra and stayed one night with us. Sh. Andy and Jimmy along with M. Pricilla of the Sydney UBF went once a week to the campus to invite students to the Bible study. Sh. Andy is working as an accountant but got the day off every Tuesday for the invitation ministry. Sh. Paul as an opening messenger and Sh. Anna as a music programme organizer are going to serve the Oceania Bible Conference (Dec. 1-3, 2012). Through the visiting, God gave them a good opportunity to see His work in Canberra UBF by the Sunday worship service and the message delivered by M. Joshua Lee. In this visit, God helped all brothers and sisters both in Sydney UBF and in Canberra UBF to encourage each other's faith in God. May God continue to bless both Sydney and Canberra UBF ministries to grow in faith by encouraging each other and bless us all to help many young souls in each campus.

M. Joshua Lee works over 10 hours every day during the week and on Saturday he devotes himself to message preparation and on Sunday he serves Sunday worship service and two one to one Bible studies. I pray that God may continue to clothe him with the spiritual power and the necessary health.   

By Hannah Lee, Canberra UBF, Australia
