Zimbabwe Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Nov 05, 2012
  • 812 reads

Zimbabwe UBF

November 5, 2012

Currently it is the busiest season for us because we began new semester lectures in mid-September (which end in November), and are helping new one-to-one sheep. Since there is no woman leader in our center, we invited many young women from the Korean language class and are helping them through one-to-one. From three weeks ago, about 15 sheep began to come to our worship service.

As we prayed before the new semester, God provided us a large lab with a secretary room, in which we are enjoying group bible study and one-to-one.  Some shepherds who started one-on-one from last semester attended the South African Conference, so we rented a new house for common life with those 7 people and formed an eagle's team. They are studying the Bible with Sh. Samuel H. Lee and are sharing their testimonies. They are all sophomores and young, but pure. Four among them already began to feed sheep under supervision.

I have six girl sheep. I cannot but despair because of my English language barrier, but I always confess it and repent before God. I just want to enjoy to love the sheep from my heart under God's great grace, believing that the Holy Spirit will work if I serve them with a pure and humble heart, even when I only read one Bible verse for them.

I pray that God may have mercy on the people of this country, that God may raise many mothers of prayer who embrace this country and true disciples of Jesus in the campuses, and to make this country a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

By Anna Ok-hee Lee (Zimbabwe UBF)