Good News from Kazakhstan

  • by WMD
  • Nov 13, 2012
  • 845 reads

Kazakhstan UBF

November 13, 2012

Praise be to God! Completely by the grace of God we received the notice of church registration from the government. Thank you so much, coworkers around the world, for your prayers. On the 25th of last month, church registration was decided and announced on the media. Humanly it seemed impossible for our ministry to receive the registration.  At that time God didn’t want us to use human means, but depend on him entirely and pray. Finally, miraculously we received the registration. During the last one year while praying for this matter, God asked me, “What will you do with the church registration?” He then showed me the spiritual battle we are in and what I must do in this front line of mission field in these end times.  I pray that God may use our church fully according to his will. Once again thank you so much for your prayer support.  To God be the glory!