Bonn Student Bible Teachers Conference-THE NEW LIFE IN CHRIST

  • by WMD
  • Nov 15, 2012
  • 892 reads

Bonn UBF

November 15, 2012
November 2 - 4, 2012
Ephesians 2:10
„... For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do.“
We thank God for blessing the 2012 Student Bible Teachers Conference in Bingen. God allowed students and co-workers from Bonn and Mainz UBF to meet together. Four co-workers from Bern UBF also joined. We studied about the New Life in Christ through four lectures. God blessed us to receive this new life as shepherds and bible teachers.
According to Ephesians 2,10 God has created us into a new life in Christ with a clear purpose to do the good works of sharing the Word of God through our one-to-one bible study with the students.  Through John 19:30 we learned the suffering and death of Jesus. Sh. Christoph Tornau described the sufferings heart moving, so we realized what Jesus has done for each of us. We were under the power of sin and deserved God’s wreath, but Jesus fulfilled the salvation, crying out “It is finished”. Because Jesus has finished our salvation, we are set free from the power of sin.
But Jesus did not remain in death; through Luke 24 we learned the fact of Jesus’ resurrections and his changing power. We do not remain under sorrow and helplessness, but can now life for the glory of God, with a clear decision as shepherds and bible teachers for this generation. Shepherd Xenofon encouraged us that through faith in Christ everyone can to be changed and used in God’s redemptive ministry.
On Saturday night Dr. Christian served the message on Romans 6,13. He confessed to the absolute love and grace of God. He explained the grace well and confessed to his decision of trusting in God and give his life as a weapon of salvation. Finally Sh. Johannes Chang served the message from John 21:15. We could remember the absolute love of God who meats us in our failure and restores us in his love. We could confess our love to Jesus and have a decision to testify to this love by feeding God’s flock of sheep.
We also had some special programs. Sh. Sam Ryu and Sh. Stephan Park gave a presentation and workshop about the inductive bible study method. On Psalms 23 we learned exemplarily, how to study this text and come to a personal application. SH. Warmherz taught us about Hildegard von Bingen, who worked near from our conference site about 1000 years ago as a nun and an influential bible teacher for whole Europe. A film about the conversion of Sh .Augustine also taught us the wonderful life of a mother of prayer, Monica, who prayed for Augustine for about 40 years, until she could see him come back from his wrong ways. Through the conference we could see many woman of faith being changed and confessing their love for Jesus like Marianne from Bern, Mercina and Elisabeth from Bonn, who shared their beautiful testimonies. Sh. Sarah EJ had offered her best years after school to receive spiritual training, while she studied at the arts school. God gave her victory and a decision for a life of mission. M. Markus Yun confessed that God saved him from a life for money and the world and is now teaching him the heart of a shepherd.
We thank God for the new life he has given us in Christ. We prayed that we all fully receive this new life and can be used as shepherd and bible teachers for his flock of sheep. We believe that God will use our one-to-one ministry in the new semester to raise 500 bible teachers and 5000 prayer servants for his spiritual awakening in Germany and Europe.
By Peter Schweitzer