Kwangju UBF Fall Bible Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Nov 20, 2012
  • 699 reads

Kwangju UBF, Korea

November 20, 2012
Last week, we had the Fall Bible conference based on Judges 6 (The Mighty Warrior!) and Revelation 3 (Be Either Cold or Hot!). There was a great work of God far beyond what was expected. For example, a shepherd who had left UBF came back with repentance and shared his testimony with many tears.
For two days and one night, almost all leaders and sheep wrote two reflections through which they repented and made a clear decision to sincerely serve the Lord. Especially many junior lay-shepherd families who used to be tied up with work and caring for children repented and made a decision to enthusiastically serve the Lord. Once again, I learned that the absolute gospel faith saves people. In addition, 13 student leaders also had a book symposium on “The Pilgrim's Progress,” through which I could see and thank God that they are growing well according to God’s hope.
This week is Thanksgiving week. I want to review my life based on Psalm 23 and confess that the Lord is my shepherd. And I want to give thanks to God and praise the Lord who has abundantly blessed the cup of my life to overflowing.
Currently, we are studying Romans, which gives us a great challenge to struggle spiritually for sanctification. We are ready and willing to fight against the sin of this generation depending on the power of the Holy Spirit through reciting Romans 8, the whole chapter.
Please pray for us to have 230 Sunday worship attendants and 300 one to ones and be well prepared for the incoming freshman students this coming March of 2013.
By Nehemiah Kim, Kwangju UBF, Korea