Indonesia UBF Had A United Summer Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Aug 29, 2014
  • 2222 reads

We praise and thank God for his blessing upon the Indonesia United Summer Bible Conference, abundantly answering all the prayers of his precious servants. We thank God that for this conference all coworkers in Indonesia from Cawang, Salemba, Pasar Minggu, Karawaci, Cikarang, and Depok UBF worked together in God with one heart and mind. Through this conference, all attendees could experience the work of forgiveness and restoration as we had prayed. We even had a hard time to make rooms for many sheep which were more than we expected. Thus, several shepherds and missionaries, including me, had to sleep in the main hall. Thank God.

The conference title was “I Will Give You True Rest” and it was during the feast of the Muslim, Lebaran on July 26 – 29 at Shekina Conference Hall. We prepared the conference, proclaiming a spiritual war for the salvation of the Muslim world through prayers with all our hearts and strength while they were fasting. We also prayed for his grace upon our leaders so that they may have a time full of joy and gratitude in spite of the hot temperature. God blessed all of us to have a true rest through it. Specifically, we thank God for sending us a greater number of sheep than ever. We had 240 attendees including 167 from Depok UBF. From last summer conference the male sheep started to increase in numbers and now they outnumbered the females. We praise God for this. We had struggled for the ministry to men and God sent men like stars in the sky. God raised nine native shepherds as messengers for this conference and granted the rich work of the word of God through them. We also thank God for the great joy and comfort through the visit of M. Daniel and Miso Rhee from the Republic of South Africa.

On the first day, we started with the opening message by Shep. Ridoewan from Pasar Minggu UBF entitled, “I Will Give You True Rest” (Matt 11:28-30). After this we had a wonderful time together through the festival of dancing and praising God prepared by each chapter and we became one in God’s love. Shep. Kefas from Depok delivered the evening message entitled, “The Prodigal Son’s Return”, humorously. Seven brothers and sisters shared their beautiful testimonies. Most of them praised God for his deliverance from slavery to sin and sorrow due to broken families, poverty, fatalism and adultery and they decided to live as shepherds for campus souls.

On the second day, we had a morning message by Shep. Raninhard from Salemba UBf with the title “I Want to See”, the main lecture I by Shep. Pernandes from Depok entitled, “Jesus Who Gives the True Living Water”, and the evening message by Shep. Setto entitled “What is Your Name?” Then we also had seven graceful and beautiful life testimonies.
On the third day, Shep. Inggri from Cawang delivered gracefully the morning message with the title “Mary Who Pours Out Her Perfume on Jesus”. Shep. Anang delivered the main lecture II entitled, “It is Finished”, with tears and gratitude. Based on this message all attended sheep wrote sincere testimonies accepting the love of Jesus who died for their sins and sickness. They confessed their sins and made a decision to follow Jesus throughout their whole life. We praise and thank God for this wonderful work of God.

In the evening M. Daniel Rhee delivered lecture III entitled, “Sower and Harvester”. We learned to see the campus which is ripe and harvest by faith. At the same time, we also have to sow the seed of the word of God, expecting the time of the joy of harvest regardless of visible fruit. Then, we had a graceful communion service led by M. Daniel Rhee. We also had a mission report by Shep. Fleming who is a student missionary in Taiwan. We had a lot of wonderful life testimonies and gracefully presented testimonies based on the message of the Cross. So we finished the evening program the next day at 1:00 Am. We praise God.

On the fourth day, we had a morning message by Shep. Martin from Depok with the title “Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life” and a closing message by Shep. Sudarman entitled, “Do You Love Me?”

We thank and praise God for many male sheep, the rich word of God, beautiful testimonies, wonderful special songs and sing-along, duet drama, and wonderful fellowship during the festival. We also thank God for the grace of forgiveness and restoration among us.

After the conference, we had a lecture on the book of Numbers led by M. Daniel Rhee at Depok Center. All missionaries were refreshed with their identity as an army of God and encouraged to be cleansed to win the battle we are engaged in to please our Lord. We thank you for your prayer support.

Prayer Topics for Indonesia

  1. Indonesia may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation through raising 20,000 Bible teachers and 2,000 house churches
  2. The ministry of the word of God, the disciple making ministry and house church for each chapter.
  3. M. William and Maria Kim (for the pioneering ministry in Cikarang)

M. Peter Lee, Indonesia