Berlin Humboldt University & Martin Luther Church Visit

  • by WMD
  • Sep 09, 2014
  • 2115 reads

After ESBC 2014 some of the delegates visited Berlin University and Martin Luther Church led by Dr. Ulrike, Knut, Peter Nett and Joy Kim of Koln 1 UBF. We first rode almost eight hours from the mountainous conference place to the historical city, Berlin. Berlin was the capital of Germany famous with the grotesque walls for about 25 years since 1961. But the high and thick walls fell like the Jericho fortress in 1990. The exciting night visit to the broken-Berlin-walls and Brandenburg Gate was followed by the visit to Humboldt University of Berlin the next morning. There were more than 29 Nobel Prize winners among the graduates of this university. Albert Einstein was one of them who studied here and taught as a faculty member later.

We also heard that UBF missionaries once came here as student-missionaries but had to leave due to the high cost of living, difficult job situation as well as strong atheistic campus environment. We sincerely prayed that the Lord God may send many harvest workers who have great faith in God to this great harvest field in God’s time!

We then went to the castle church where Martin Luther posted his 95 theses. We also saw the other castle church where he translated the original Bible into the German language. We then heard the background history about why the Reformation was necessary and how incorrigible were the corruptions of the Catholic religion. One of the reasons to protest was that it was initiated by the Holy Spirit and deep Bible study. He found “the righteous shall live by faith, nothing but the faith.” He proclaimed, "The Bible and Jesus should be the main cores of the faith not the Catholic tradition or the Pope." We saw how dangerous his reform was. We also saw how courageous he was and how strong was his faith! Most of all, we saw that by the Holy Spirit's help, nothing was impossible!

We prayed for the revival of Europe toasting in a dinner, “As God reformed Europe and the world through Martin Luther, so may God revive Europe and the world through UBF too!”