Christmas Worship Service in Sofia, Bulgaria

  • by WMD
  • Jan 01, 2013
  • 882 reads

Bulgaria UBF

January 1, 2013

A Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord (Lk.2:11)

On 16 December God blessed us to have a graceful and joyful Christmas worship service commemorating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The brothers and sisters from Sofia Chapter I and Chapter II joined to worship together our Savior along with many friends and parents.
\I thank God for sending his only Son Jesus, who is my and your Savior, Christ and Lord. During the worship service we heard the good news of great joy that is for all the people in the world, delivered by Msn James Kang. This good news is, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Lk.2:11) The angel’s message taught me who Jesus is and why his coming is such a great joy. Jesus is Savior, Christ and Lord who came to save me from my sins; he came to be my Christ, the one who understands me perfectly and has compassion on me and who is my Lord and my God. Receiving Jesus as Savior, Christ and Lord in my heart, is the greatest joy in the world.
During the worship service we sang Christmas hymns to our Lord, we prayed for the gospel work in Bulgaria and around the world, we heard a graceful message from Luke 2:1-14 and saw a short Christmas play with the title “Christ is Born in Me”. God blessed us to hear the joyful testimony of brother Lachezar who shared how Christ was born in his heart through the word of God from Mark 8:35. Also we heard the first confessions of faith of sister Albena and sister Yanitsa. We thank and praise God for starting his salvation work in the hearts of Albena and Yanitsa for the last couple of months. Both Albena and Yanitsa witnessed to the amazing work of Christ in their hearts through the word of God from Matthew 7:21 and John 8:12 and expressed desire to live for Christ. We also thank God for the participation of Br. Peter, Br. Adrian and S. Boryana who studied the Bible throughout the year in Chapter II. Our prayer for all of them is that Christ may be born in their hearts.
After the message and the Christmas play we had a joyful lunch fellowship with delicious food prepared both by the hosts (Msn. Cathy, Msn Maria, S. Vesela, Msn. Heather and S. Denitsa) and the guests. This year God brought many parents to our Christmas service. We had the parents of Br. Lachezar and S. Denista, the parents of Br. Strahil, the father of S. Preslava, the mother of Br. Bogdan, the mother of Br. Peter, the mother of S. Albena, and the family of Br. Hristo. We pray that God may raise many godly families among us through the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.        