Peru UBF Christmas Worship Service

  • by WMD
  • Jan 02, 2013
  • 908 reads

Peru UBF

January 1, 2013

“... and asked, 'Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.'"  Matthew 2:2

God received all your prayers and blessed our Christmas celebration. On December 16 we celebrated Christmas worship service. The title of the message was “Venimos a adorarle” (We have come to worship him) by Efrain based on Matthew 2:2.

Ten years ago Eugenia and I came to Peru on December 5. At that time only Eugenia and I celebrated Christmas. But now 36 persons came to worship our Lord Jesus; there were 6 adults, 29 students and 1 child. During three years Eugenia and I have been studying the Bible with Ana, Victor and Fiorella. Thirty participants were invited by Ana, Victor and Fiorella. Besides them Daniel and Cesar participated in this Christmas celebration. Daniel and Cesar are the two sheep we invited to Bible study ten years ago.

Caty and Ana prepared special Christian songs that we sang together before the worship service. In the special program Ana and M Isaac Park sang a special hymn. Caty and Diana danced to a Christian song. Daniel, Cesar, Victor, David, Marilia, Isabel, Daniela, Kelly and Esteban performed a Christian drama about the wise men who came to worship Baby Jesus. At the end we ate “paneton” and “chocolatada” (traditional Peruvian bread and milk with chocolate).

Jesus the Morning Star led us to find and worship him. We learned that Jesus is our true object of worship. Thank you again for your prayers.May God bless all of you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!

By Efrain, Peru UBF
