Panama UBF Christmas Worship Service 2012

  • by WMD
  • Jan 03, 2013
  • 1099 reads

Panama UBF

January 3, 2013
Good News of Great Joy

“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

This year the Lord has blessed us richly through our Christmas Worship Service, even though we were not so faithful in the preparation. We were praying to invite the families of our sheep, so we made invitation cards for them. And by the grace of the Lord, all of their families came to our Christmas Worship Service.  
We held our Christmas Worship Service on Dec 16 in the party hall of the building where M. John Baek lives. M. Susan prepared abundant Christmas food and Korean food for the attendants. M. Maria prepared the titles to decorate the hall. M. Joshua, M. John, Brother Alexander and Sister Yasibel with the children of the Baek family all prepared the hall to receive the invitees.
We had 21 participants in total in our Christmas Worship Service: Brother Jean Carlos, Brother Carlos and their family; Brother Alexander and his parents; Brother Oliver, his fiancée and his niece; Sister Yasibel, Sister Patricia, Javier and the missionaries’ families.
Brother Jean directed the service. Susan and John, M. Baek’s children, played two special songs on the piano. And all the brothers and sisters sang together with M. Joshua a special Christmas hymn. M. John delivered a heart-moving message based on Luke 2:1-12 entitled “Good News of Great Joy” explaining the real meaning of the Christmas holiday. He said that the purpose of Jesus` birth is to save us from our sinful life, and that is why this is good news of great joy for all of us.    
After the service, M. Susana, Sister Yasibel and M. Maria served the food for all the participants. Patricia’s family joined us for lunch and we had a great time with all the families sharing the love of Lord. M. John Baek’s family prepared Christmas gifts for all of the participants.
May God be praised for his amazing grace and love for us. We pray that the families of the sheep may join us every Sunday in the worship service and that they may meet Jesus as their powerful Savior. Amen.
In a few days, M. John is leaving Panama to attend the Latin America Director’s Conference in Madrid, Spain. Please pray for him and for M. Joshua who will deliver the next two Sunday messages.Thank you for your prayer for us.
M. Joshua Gutierrez, Panama UBF