Latin American Directors’ Conference (Part III) : Post Conference Tour and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Jan 08, 2013
  • 1251 reads

January 8, 2013

After the Latin and European Directors' Conference the remaining 70 coworkers visited historical sites such as the Castle Alcazar of Toledo, the origin of the name of Toledo, Ohio and the castle of Segovia. We saw the invincible castles that reminded us of our Lord who is our mighty fortress as well as one of the most beautiful castles in the world, the Segovia castle that became the movie background of "Cinderella." We also passed by the borderof the Old and New cities too with many historical buildings that made Spain to be the second most popular country for tourism after USA. We visited Madrid University which has 85,000 students.
Ambassador Pablo Oh gave a talk about the history of UBF in Spain and the prayer topics. In 1975, God sent M. Jose Ahn to spy out Spain for one year. Then he was sent to Guatemala in1976 to begin Latin America pioneering. It was very adequate for him to understand Latin American history and cultures in this way.  God sent him back to Spain in 1988 for another one year before his resignation. During this time, God established Ambassador Pablo and Paulina Oh's house church to succeed in God's work in Spain. During a six month period, they finished 50 chapters of Genesis and John's gospel 1:1Bible studies. M. Jose agreed to teach them the Bible since they asked with persistence. They agreed to come with all the questions prepared as well as writing testimonies. They also served M. Jose dinner every time since his wife did not accompany him at that time.
When M. Jose left, Ambassador Oh delivered Sunday messages and kept on the pioneering ministry with a missionary from Korea. Then he left for Korea. During the last 37 years of Spain pioneering, 2 more Korean missionary families came besides Jose and Pablo Oh. But they could not survive after a few years of hard struggles because it was not easy to get a permanent visa and to get a proper job for self-support.
However, in January of 2010, God sent M. Joshua and Esther Kang as the fifth UBF missionary family with the decision to bury their bones in Spain. God blessed them with a good job in a Korean company and a beautiful daughter Esther Jr. Now their prayer topics are that God may sustain this family to settle down, obtain necessary visas and raise one Abraham and Sarah. They pray to become the bridges between Europe and Latin America so that Latin American missionaries may be able to come to revive Europe as God used Europe to send the light of the gospel some 500 years ago to Latin America. 
