Nicaragua UBF Christmas Service 2012

  • by WMD
  • Jan 13, 2013
  • 727 reads

Nicaragua UBF

January 12, 2013

 “‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’).”        Matthew 1:23

The 2012 Christmas message “Emmanuel” was very beautiful and powerful because it showed us how our glorious God came to this earth to be with us sinners. Our merciful God was with us faithfully, which is why we have hope though we are weak and unfaithful on many occasions.

This past year there have been many trials for each of our brothers and sisters, facing problems such as the lack of love among members, often losing vision and desire to serve God’s work. However, our faithful God was with us. By his grace, we could have Christmas service. We give thanks to God for his love and mercy.

In the service, Brother Bismarck shared his testimony, which encouraged us since we could see his spiritual desire for God’s Word. We thank God for the beautiful special song by Msn. Pedro and Ester Kim and a Christmas song by the brothers and sisters accompanied by Joycelin Kim Jr. on the piano. We thank God for the “fonomimica” by the brothers, especially for the participation of brothers Leonel, Juan Carlos, Aiser, and Juan Jr.; they worshipped God by giving their time. We thank God for the dance led by Shepherdesses Yasiris and Fadia, though it was short, and for the participation of precious girls, Iris and Marian. We also thank God for the lovely and creative decorations by Shepherdess Sandra. We thank God for the coworking of sisters Ligia and Carolina, who are our Korean language students; they served Korean and Nicaraguan food.

In the Christmas service, 37 people participated, and all noticed how our service was more organized. The new brothers and sisters attended the Friday meetings this past semester. All wished to learn the humility and love of the baby Jesus! We gave something small, five loaves and two fish, to worship the Lord; God blessed us with his presence through his Word, and we felt great joy. I learned that though it may be costly, if we give our heart, God will always receive it and is pleased with it.

One Word: Emmanuel!

By M. Juan & Rebekah Kim, Nicaragua UBF
