Bulgaria Annual Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Jan 27, 2013
  • 1011 reads

B*ulgaria UBF

January 26, 2013
Mark 6:37 “… you give them something to eat”
Thank God, who has shown his great mercy upon each of our Bulgarian brothers and sisters during the past year of 2012. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ who took away our sins on the Cross this year. Please now open my spiritual eyes through the Holy Spirit to understand His work in the hearts of sisters and brothers, to give all thanks to him and to find prayer topics for new 2013.
1. New pioneering work
God blessed the life of Shep. Georgi Kumanichliev with a wonderful house church with a beautiful woman of God, Msn Heather Kumanichlieva during the European Directors Conference 2012 in Serbia with many blessings and prayers of God’s servants. He began to participate in the pioneering work of a new campus “University for National and World Economy (UNWE)” with Msn John Jung’s house church. God has blessed the pioneering work through our morning prayer meeting, 1:1 Bible study, group Bible study, and the message of Sunday worship service. Msn John Jung and Shep. George have been faithful to serve the messages of SWS. God is blessing Msn Heather to study the Bulgarian language and she is expecting to deliver a baby during March of 2013. God sent brother Peter, a tennis player who became a member of the Bulgarian national tennis team last spring. He is repenting of his sins and receiving the grace of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. God also sent brother Adrian who studied 13 group Bible lessons throughout the year and, Sister Boryana as regular Sunday worship service attendees to Sofia Chapter II.
2. The work of repentance.
During this last year God has blessed our brothers and sisters to repent and receive God’s blessing of forgiveness. During the last year God helped us to keep the faith in Jesus. In Sofia Chapter I God is working in the hearts of brother Lachezar, Sister Denitza, Brother Strahil, Sister Yanizta, Sister Albena, Msn Cathy Kang, Msn J*ames K through the word of Genesis, John’s Gospel and the Epistle to the Romans. In Sofia Chapter II – God is working in the hearts of Sister Veska, Brother Petar, Sister Boryana, Brother Adrian, Junior Jung Jin, Junior Jung Chan, Msn Heather, Shep. Georgi, Msn Maria Jung, Msn John Jung through Luke’s Gospel. Especially during the Balkan Summer Bible conference God worked in the hearts of Brother Lachezar, Sister Denitza and Junior H* K to repent their shameful sins from their hearts and God gave them heavenly peace and vision to live for God’s glory--to serve others with the word “You give them something to eat.” (Mk.6:37) in August 2012. God is using them to invite God’s sheep to God’s word.
3. World mission
God blessed our brothers and sisters in Bulgaria to participate in Turkish summer Bible conference with the title “Prayer” (Jun 2012). Msn James Point invited us and Sofia Chapter I and II went there and prayed for God’s mission in Turkey. God used Shep. Georgi to serve the word of God-- Jesus’ prayer on the Mount of Olives. God had mercy on us to serve and attend the Balkan Summer Bible Conference in Romania with prayer (August 2012). Msn John Jung and Shep Georgi were used as instruments of God’s word; God helped Shep Georgi to deliver graceful and powerful messages from Mark 6:37 “You give them something to eat!” Msn Heather testified the shepherd life of Mother Sarah Barry. God renewed her mind to live as a shepherdess of the Bulgarian people. During the BSBC God sent Msn Dr. John Jun and Msn. Peter Chang to serve Balkan missionaries with the word of God. After finishing BSBC God sent his servants Msn Dr. John Jun and Msn. Peter Chang to Bulgaria; God gave us words of life through them from Joshua 17:18 and Matthew 28:19-20. God sent Junior H* K in September as a student missionary to Sorbonne University in Paris with prayer for the establishment of the Cambridge Seven movement there.
  • Prayer topics
During this year Brother Lachezar finished his Master’s program and he is now looking for a job. Sister Denizta was accepted in the Technical university as a Ph. D. student. Brother Petar started his Master’s program in the Sports Academy this year. Sister Veska is Ph. D. candidate student in Sofia University. Msn John Jung and shep Georgi are working in KOTRA. Msn Cathy is teaching Korean languages. Msn J*ames K is praying for a new job. May God have mercy on us all to find Him every day, so that we can see His glory in our daily life. May God use each of us as a shepherd according to the word “You give them something to eat! (Mk.6:37) May God raise 7 disciples of Jesus in each University in Sofia: SU, TU, UNWE, NBU, SA
  • Sofia Chapter I
God allowed us to have two chapters since the beginning of 2012 year after pioneering Sofia chapter II by John Jung’s house church and shep. Georgi’s house church. God allowed Sofia Chapter I to have morning prayer and Bible reading time; for the first half of the year five people attended in this morning prayer time--Brother Lachezar, Sister Denitza, Junior H* K, Msn C*athy Kang and Msn J*ames Kang. Since the second part of the year six people are attending morning prayer time-Brother Lachezar, Sister Denitza, Brother Strahil, Sister Yanitza, Msn C*athy Kang and Msn J*ames Kang. They also are studying the Bible and attending Sunday Worship Service.
During the first half of the year God blessed Brother Lachezar to finish his master's program and became an electrical engineer with the word of Psalms 16:8. God had mercy on Sister Denitza to work in a Korean company and to study a Ph. D. program. God had blessed Msn C*athy Kang to teach Korean language at Sofia University and in high school. God blessed Sofia chapter I and II to attend the Turkish summer Bible conference; five people from Sofia Chapter I, seven people from Sofia Chapter II.
During the second half of the year God blessed us to serve and participate in the Balkan Summer Bible Conference; eight people from SC I, eight people from SC II. God had mercy on Junior H* K to be accepted in Sorbonne University and wrote her life testimony for the BSBC. The Holy Spirit blessed her to repent for her shameful sins and gave her great joy of the forgiveness of sins. The Holy Spirit blessed her to have a shepherd’s heart for the students of Sorbonne University with the word of Mark 6:37. The Holy Spirit worked in the heart of Brother Lachezar to repent for his sinful passion and gave him a clear decision to follow Jesus with the word of Mark 8:34-35. All the time he tried to invite friends to Jesus Christ. He was invited to work in Schneider Electric Company, but he could not accept, because the job condition was to work on Sunday twice a month. We believe that God will provide the best job for him. God blessed also Sister Denitza to repent from her heart her sinful life and receive God’s love of forgiveness of her sins and God blessed her to live as Sarah for Bulgarian students according to the word of Genesis 17:15-16. God is giving them faithful minds to study the words of God and have morning prayer time and to share the grace of Jesus with their friends and their family members. God is blessing them to grow as disciples of Jesus. The parents of Sister Denitza attended also BSBC. God had mercy on Sister Preslava, who is studying in Korea to attend BSBC and she saw God’s work. The Holy Spirit helped her to realize her sins, but she did not repent from her heart. We pray that God helps her to repent and receive the grace of forgiveness of sins.
During the second half of the year God allowed us to have group Bible studies with new brothers and sisters. We have a fellowship night each Thursday evening. God sent us Brother Strahil and Sister Yanitza from September of this year. They are faithful to eat the words of God in the morning and on Sunday. We pray that God may make them disciples of Jesus. God sent us also Sister Albena. She is faithful to hear the word of God each Sunday.
During the past year of 2012 God gave us His words from Genesis, John’s Gospel and Roman’s. Msn J*ames Kang finished his work in the Korean Embassy and is preparing for a new job. May God have mercy on him to serve His ministry wholeheartedly and open a new way for his work. Msn Cathy Kang is teaching the Korean language. God sent us Brother Gideon Kim from Korea to study in the National Art Academy in Sofia since October of this year. We pray that God may raise him up as a shepherd in NAA in Sofia. May God bless Bulgaria to be a Holy nation to God.
  • Sofia Chapter II
Since the beginning of 2012 Sofia Chapter 2 was started by the prayer and blessing of UBF elders and the prayer of UBF Sofia Chapter. Msn. John Jung’s family, Shepherd Georgi’s family and Sister Vesela went out from UBF Sofia to pioneer one of the top campuses in Bulgaria, namely the University for National and World Economy (UNWE).
From the beginning of the year Sofia Chapter 2 started meetings for one-to-one Bible study, Sunday worship service, and prayer meetings in a newly rented apartment in an office building five minutes away from the campus. Our chapter received spiritual direction for our pioneering ministry from the word of God of Numbers 14:24, “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.” So we prayed to explore and conquer the promised land of the University of National and World Economy with Caleb’s spirit and heart. We also received encouragement and direction from Dr. John Jun who gave us Joshua17:18, “but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours; though the Canaanites have iron chariots and though they are strong, you can drive them out”. The students in UNWE spiritually resemble the Canaanites and look like they have iron chariots that can never be penetrated by the Gospel. So we prayed to challenge the impossible situation by faith and obedience to God’s promises.
Another important prayer topic which we had throughout the whole year of our pioneering ministry was to set a firm foundation on the word of God and prayer. For the whole 2012 we studied the Gospel according to Luke. God raised Sunday messengers--Msn John was the main messenger, while Shepherd Georgi would serve the Sunday message every third Sunday. They delivered the word of God with the Holy Spirit and challenged us to live according to what we had heard from the Gospel of Luke. God trained our messengers to grow in message preparation amidst busy work schedules during the week and keep the spiritual priority in order to be good and faithful servants of the Word. Every week we had one-to-one Bible studies on the weekly passage and several times throughout the year we had group Bible studies.
The other important foundation which we wanted to establish in the beginning of this pioneering ministry was prayer. We had early morning prayer and daily bread reading every week (with few exceptions) from Tuesday to Friday from 6:30 a. m. in the Bible center. Also we had a prayer meeting on Saturday afternoon when we would share testimonies and prayer topics and pray for each other, the brothers and sister from chapter 2, and the ministry in Bulgaria.
In 2012 God sent us several sheep to pray for and with whom to study the Bible. God sent Brother Peter who started Bible study with Sh. Georgi one year ago and continued to study the Bible throughout the whole 2012. He is among the best tennis players in Bulgaria and currently a student in National Sports Academy (the biggest Sports University in Bulgaria located right next to the campus of UNWE). Brother Peter was moved by the word of God to desire to study the Bible and live according to it. Still, he is not very consistent and dedicated to Christ, so we are praying for him to have deep repentance and to be born again by the Spirit of God. God sent us also a freshman from UNWE, Brother Adrian. Brother Adrian is a very open and smart young man who by God’s grace met Msn John and became friends with him. Adrian, currently a sophomore, is studying business and economics with the dream to become an entrepreneur. Throughout 2012 we had group Bible studies especially focused on him. He came once to SWS, but recently he told us that even though he likes us and he sees some very good ideas in the Bible, he has no interest in religion and the Bible. For him the natural world is all there is and he doesn’t want to waste time on religion. We pray that God may speak to Adrian through the Bible lessons he heard so that he may turn to God and receive forgiveness and salvation.
God sent also Sister Boryana. Sister Boryana is the mother of Brother Bogdan, a Bible student of Georgi, who is currently living in Germany working as a tennis coach. Sister Boryana attended most of our SWS and studied one-to-one with Msn Maria. She enjoys the word of God and wants to come to Bible study and SWS. She attended the Summer Balkan Conference in Romania where she received much grace. We are praying for her to know Jesus personally as her Christ and Savior and become a mother of prayer for her son and Bulgaria. We are also praying for Brother Bogdan. He studied Bible with Georgi for the first half of the year through Skype. We pray for him to return to Bible study and accept one word of God deeply.
We thank and praise God for his great mercy and grace through Jesus Christ who called us out of the darkness into his wonderful light. He chose us and set us apart for his good work of campus mission in Bulgaria and the UNWE. We pray that God will guide us by his Holy Spirit, like in the Acts of the Apostles, to find students who are thirsty for Truth and serve them with the word of God.
  • Sofia Chapter II - Prayer Topics for 2013
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Ephesians 3:7
I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power.”
  1. To study the Acts deeply and to practice as good servants for the gospel;
  2. Every shepherd may feed new sheep throughout the 2013 year so that we may learn Jesus’ shepherd heart;
  3. Our chapter may become a loving and respectful community by encouraging each other;
  4. Msn. John Jung and Shep. Georgi may serve the message for SWS deeply through repentance;
  5. Keep the early morning devotion and daily bread steadily;
  6. May God establish 12 disciples in the University of National and World Economy and brothers Peter, Adrian, and Sister Boriyana may grow through 1:1 Bible study and SWS.
J*ames K