The Work of God in 2012, Czech UBF

  • by WMD
  • Feb 01, 2013
  • 886 reads

Czech UBF

February 1, 2013
Key Verse: Mk 6:37a "But he answered, "You give them something to eat."
When I look back to year 2012 God has blessed our Czech ministry abundantly. When I faced difficulties God was training me. Even though God is blessing us overwhelmingly I realized that it is not easy to bear it. In the year 2012 God has sent us many sheep. Moreover God has blessed us to be self-supporting ministry. Especially our family started common life with Shepherd Aleš Máca. God has also sent us many new hopeful future disciples. I pray that through sharing God's Grace with others we may glorify his name!
1. Work of Words
From the earlier European Director's Conference I received much grace from Numbers 14. Especially through Joshua and Caleb I could learn their faith and their spiritual leadership and have a clear direction to serve Czech mission. Through Exodus we learned that God wants us to be a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation. God has sent us an exchange student sister Kim Hae Jin. By joining our ministry our women co-workers could make a vessel of prayer and ignite the fire of prayer. Sister Kim Hae Jin served eight students from the School of Art (Anna, Lenka, Jirka, Yuchi, Suhyun...). and invited them to our worship service. A long time Christian, Kim Hae Jin, lived common life for six months with us and studied the Bible. After that she accepted World mission as a missionary and was sent to Jongro 2. There she began to live common life with other sisters and with Shepherd Spurgeon Lee pioneered Han Jae Jong University. Through these many happenings, I learned the importance of common life. To live a common life with our sheep wasn't an easy cross for me. I had to take up five different crosses and meanwhile live a common life with our sheep. But through half year of common life and its one soul change I could change my mind. Aleš Máca who is growing as an Abraham of faith has made a decision of faith to start a common life. Shepherd Aleš Máca is now a second year PhD student of System Engineering and meanwhile studying Vietnamese at Charles University. By the Grace of God he can manage these two majors. But he is always very busy so he needs a lot of prayers to live a spiritual life. From April we 6-8 we had a spring conference. The preachers were Msn. Ezra Yoon (Exodus 14), Shp. Aleš Máca (Exodus 12), second gen. Msn. David Shin (Exodus 14), Msn. Hannah Shin (Exodus 19). Sister Lada, who was having a long time relationship with Msn. Hannah Yoon, participated in our conference. From July 20-23 was the Middle European conference held in Slovakia. Many people attended this conference starting from Chuncheon-Korea, Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Minsk-Belarus, and Czech Republic. Particularly through Matthew 16 our European co-workers made a prayer topic to "Gain Christ" and built a wonderful co-working. Especially through Msn. Paul and Esther Chang´s sacrificial and powerful prayers many hopeful Slovakian sheep attended and became our comfort and encouragement. Second gen. Msn. David Shin repented deeply his problems with his unsuccessful studies and renewed his faith through this conference. By God's Grace he could study political science at the Charles University and start to serve Steven with 1:1.
An invited brother, Martin Gurín (Charles University third year political science student), and Jana Dukátová (Charles University Czech literature student) are continually studying the Bible and attending our worship service and growing in faith. Especially sister Jana has met Jesus personally and wants to devote her life for him. Martin and Jana brought a great joy to our ministry. Second gen. Msn. David Shin served gracefully Christmas message from Lk 2 "Today a Saviour has been born to you". Sister Jana prayed in her life testimony to become a woman of prayer, woman of faith, and woman of obedience. Honza (John) also first time attended our Christmas worship service and moreover 20 people saw our Christmas drama and were very happy and joyful.
I thank and praise God who has sent hopeful future disciples Brother Martin and Sister Jana to us!
2012 Christmas worship service
Jana sharing her life testimony
2. Co-working and Self-supporting
Msn. Joshua and Maria Kang's family served Czech ministry for five years with us. After applying and waiting for one year they finally got permanent residency. Moreover they serve sister Veronika (Charles University law 1 year student) and sacrificially co-work with us. Msn. Ezra and Hannah Yoon´s family was sent as representatives from Glovis for five years. Msn. Ezra Yoon by faith overcame his daily work and for two and half years became a weekend-parent and joined our worship service and Bible studies and often instead of me served Sunday worship messages and children worship services.
Msn. Hannah Yoon served for two years sister Katka, Lada, Hae Jin, Suhyun and Yuchi with 1:1 Bible studies. With shepherd heart she co-worked with us. This family at the end of this year under realignment had to go back to Hanyang centre Korea. I pray for this family to be preciously used in Hanyang centre. Msn. Samuel and Anna Park´s family every time they face some difficulties they pray and are learning the God of Czech UBF. God has blessed our company this year and helped our missionaries with self-support and meanwhile serve Czech ministry. I pray that I may take up my five crosses with joy for God. "You give them something to eat"! I pray I may be obedient to Jesus' teachings and that our company may grow to become 5 loaves and 2 fish for Czech, Middle Europe and European mission.
3. 2013 Key Verse and Prayer Topics
Key Verse: Mk 6:37a – “But he answered, ‘You give them something to eat.’”
Prayer topics:
  • Msn. Hannah Shin´s Luke chapter messages
  • Shp. Aleš Máca and David Shin, Martin and Jana to grow as servants of God's Word
  • CVUT, Charles University, Agrocultural University and Economical University to raise 12 Apostles and 12 Mary's of faith
  • 30 1:1 Bible studies and 30 SWS attendees
  • All co-workers morning devotion, Daily Bread and serve 1 sheep.
One word: "You give them something to eat!"

By Hanna Shin