The Work of God in Hungary 2012

  • by WMD
  • Feb 08, 2013
  • 830 reads


Hungary UBF

February 8, 2013

Feed my lambs

2013 key verse: "...Do you love me? Feed my lambs."
I'm very thankful for the Immanuel grace of our Lord that has been with us throughout 2012. The Lord sent sister Akiyo to us, who came regularly and let us help her with God’s Word and with prayer. He also sent university students, Andrea, and Flora. God allowed us to have weekly prayer meetings faithfully and helped us to pray for Hungary and campus mission and discipleship ministry. He gave all of my family permanent residence in Hungary as a gift. He also prepared a mission co-worker, M. Rebecca Ahn, and she received permanent residence. This year the Lord trained and raised me, one person, to be a missionary to Hungary. He restored my love relationship with the Lord and my faith.
From the beginning of my mission life, I was challenged to get a visa for Hungary while I was working in business. However, as I was preparing my permanent residence, I realized that I should pursue a more stable job and prayed. At that time, God gave me a job. In February 2012, when I had been working for two years, God allowed me to apply for permanent residence. My company, however, was closed due to financial difficulties, and I left the company. I was so worried that I had to quit my job, yet I had not received permanent residence.
While praying, I realized that God has a great purpose, and I thanked and praised God. God wanted to restore the relationship of love with Him. After I had been working in the factory for 12 hours every day, I was very tired spiritually. The Lord led me to quit my job before I had received permanent residence, and I had to continue to pray for permanent residence. Through this prayer, I could restore the relationship of love with the Lord and my faith in the Lord. I was feeling guilty that I couldn’t manage honestly in corporate life, and I had a guilty conscience that I had no right to be a servant of the Lord, because I also wasn’t carrying out the mission of the Lord well. But the Lord led me to pray, and He helped me to receive deep forgiveness from him. During this time, I prepared the Word, "Do you love me?" for the Central European conference. Through God’s Word, I received much love and forgiveness from the Lord. Peter denied the Lord three times, so he thought of himself as unworthy of becoming a disciple of the Lord. But the Lord understood the weaknesses of Peter deeply. Although Peter denied the Lord three times, the Lord loved him unconditionally. The Lord wanted Peter to no longer be a disciple of the Lord based on his own righteousness, but to love the Lord on the basis of the Lord's love towards him. The Lord helped Peter three times to confess his love on the basis of the Lord's love. This Word was the voice of the Lord, that He loves me unconditionally and calls me as a servant of God’s Word and a missionary, even though I am not good enough to be a disciple and missionary due to my many weaknesses. Through this Word, I could find a deep peace of mind and restore my initial faith in the Lord. When I look back on my work life, God trained me for two years to have diverse experience in the workplace. God trained me to learn how to communicate with Hungarian people through manufacturing site leader management, personnel management, general affairs, warehouse management, quality control, interpretation, and so on. Through this training, God raised me to have the ability to do anything. After I came out of work, God allowed me to have a travel business through the internet and send many customers, so that I could be financially independent. In this last year of 2012, the Lord trained me and raised me to be a missionary to Hungary. The Lord restored our faith, passion, and hope to serve the intellectual ministry of the Gospel.
We are praying by faith and challenging ourselves to raise three university students as disciples and shepherds. We pray to be with the university students every day, and we pray eagerly to have the Lord's heart for the salvation of their souls. Pray for God’s help for us in 2013, that we may love the Lord more and more, and that we may feed lambs day by day with His Word.
Prayer topics of Hungary UBF are:
  1. May God raise Hungarian shepherds until 2020;
  2. Acts and Genesis Bible study;
  3. Three university student disciples;
  4. Marriage of M. Rebecca Ahn;
  5. A brother mission coworker.
One word: Feed my lambs.

By M. Andrew Kim