The Work of God in Japan 2012

  • by WMD
  • Feb 11, 2013
  • 999 reads
February 11, 2013

The working of God’s power in Japan

Ephesians 3:7, 8 “I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. Although I am less than of all God’s people, this grace was given me: to preach of the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.”
Thank God who loves Japan and makes an improvement in the Gospel amidst the political, economic, social turmoil and recession in 2012. We did our best to preach the word of God in season and out of season. Recently, it has not been easy for us to preach the gospel on Campus. One of the chapter members was discouraged by persecution from the University; therefore they worked with another church organization and didn’t attend the summer bible conference 2012. Female missionaries of Tokyo UBF went fishing at Waseda University every week. They were banished by the guards of the University, but they didn’t give up. Instead, they preached the gospel out of the University gate. But thankfully God had shown his power to them, they have realized the secrets of the gospel and they could preach the words of God.
I. World mission
Missionary Daniel Jung and Sonesachi attended the Summer African Conference in Nigeria from August 17th to 19th. Miss Sachico was inspired by the missionaries’ and African shepherds’ committed attitude toward God’s works and bible knowledge. She said it was the most valuable and meaningful trip she had even experienced. As she has decided to live as a shepherd, we pray that she may be used for world mission.
Missionary James and Maria Joo from Tokai and Keio University were sent out this past September to serve as missionaries for a year. Missionary James has sent to NIDS (National Institute of Depends Study). Meanwhile, he has visited and encouraged the missionaries in Toshima and other local chapters. From October 4th to 8th, missionary Peter Lee came back temporally from Thailand and he was in Tokyo chapter but after a week he left.
Missionary Mataibai family in PNG built the Rainbow Christian School from kindergarten to 4th grade and they conduct the students. They also serve Sunday Worship Service with students and their parents.. For some time, it became difficult to serve the UBF campus mission in the University of PNG but thankfully by God’s grace they have been healed and got over the problem. In 2013, they are planning to come to Tokyo and we pray for them to recover their campus mission. Missionary Mary  Lopez in LA and Nishiyama Eri famly in Korea are faithfully co-working. Last year, John Kim Jr. was sent out to Toledo, USA and has come back with spiritual growth.
. Japan mission
In preparing for 2012, the directors’ conference was held in Gifu. David Park from Gwangju UBF preached the first message and special lecture of “Taking care of health in layman missionary.” Charles Kim from Chicago also came to give a speech based on the pioneer spirit and work in the USA. The directors in Japan could learn the spirit of American missionaries, the faith and duty through Numbers 13, and 2Timothy 4. United Japanese summer bible conference was held from the 9th to 12th of October. The title of the conference was ‘New start’. We prayed for healing and recovering through the words of God; Luke 15 and 23. We hoped for a new start in God’s grace and vision based on His promise. God answered our prayers and healed the weak missionaries and encouraged them to step out into a new start in God. The second generation actively attended the SBC program and Campus mission.
Sarah Jeon Jr. is an elder shepherd among the second generation of Japan UBF. She is the eldest daughter of seven children. Because of her parents’ abundant love for her, she didn’t feel any sense of problem in her life. But through the experience of the admission to a college and getting a job as a kindergarten teacher, she could experience the guidance of God in her life. People often plan their own ways but eventually everyone needs God’s leading. When we depend on God, he leads us to the best way. She was rejected twice in job interviews and by the third interview, she was going to give up. But God helped her to take the challenge and eventually she got a job. Reflecting back, an exam for college seemed impossible but God had helped her and protected her college life. Even in the kindergarten, God gave her what was perfect for her. She chose the key verse “Love your neighbors as yourself” and she could handle what is given to her.
John Kim Jr. in Tokyo UBF preached “Be strong and very courageous” (Joshua 1:1-9). As a second gen, he didn’t feel any problems in his life; he studied the bible and gave a worship service every week. But through the message he realized that he was in the same position as Joshua who succeeded to Moses. He decided to follow his parents and start a new life. From the second semester, he led praise in the CBF and JBF ministry, and he worked for a shepherd in the church. Also from Sonesachico’s life testimony, we were filled with grace and spirit because of God’s love and forgiveness for her. The CBF and JBF conference were at the same time and Samuel Jung Jr. also preached the message. In the past, the CBF and JBF conference program was supported by shepherds come from Gwangju chapter. We needed a lot of workers when we would carry the conference by ourselves. But we can now hold it successfully with 2nd gens who are actively involved.
For last 2 years, in Kyushu, East and West Japan were divided and had each summer bible conference because there was economical problem and also they wanted to grow independent. But, it was hard to make it happen because of the lack of co-workers. But this time, all of Japan UBF gathered together and had a summer bible conference. As it was expected, it was very graceful. We experienced the work of the Spirit. Therefore, we decided that we should have a united Summer Bible conference every year as it used to be in the past. We thank God for the summer bible conference every year, and for blessing all of us to be used as co-workers of God’s wonderful mission. The directors of East Japan area gather every two months in the Tokyo chapter. This year, we invited a professor from Christian College and studied the introduction of old bible together.
Missionary Daniel Jung also prepared the study of reading from the beginning to the end of the Bible base on the historical background. Nogi Abraham shepherd was chosen as the West Japan director for the Japanese shepherd leadership but after two years, it became very difficult.  Moses Hong of Ganazawa UBF director then took the lead. Ganazawa and Gifu chapters were built as a house church and they contained the space for serving the church near the campus and also started brand new.
. Tokyo UBF mission
Tokyo chapter was the same as last year with several conferences and this past December, we held a Christmas service in Waseda University. The Christmas offering was donated to the building hospitals in Uganda. For our Spring Bible Campus Academy, we put together a picture gallery in the Tokyo UBF Center. We pray that in the next year, we can improve in preparation. We thank God for finding the new way of making a relationship with students in faith and vision. Every conference God has blessed us through His words and in serving others with joy. In this there was much internal growth and external growth; the numbers of attendants this year increased by 7. We pray that 50 people may attend the service every week. It is currently around 35 to 40. Since last year, one 2nd gen declared to be a shepherd. Nakamura Monika, her husband, and elder son are attending together the service every week. Thank God for growing Shindo, Sone, Sugie, Danaka, Ayaka, Misaki, Isida, Matsuda, and Nakamura Hideyuki through the Bible study this year. There had been a lot of people coming and leaving but now days, people are staying and studying the bible consistently This year, Nakamura Masakuni, Kim Yun Hee, Rikiuki, Yun Ju Hyan, Itou, Goshima, Kim Min Jung have been studying bible and attending the worship service.
Also in these hard times, God has blessed us and helped us. Missionarry Paul Jang and Hannah Yo delivered a healthy boy. Missionary Hannah quit her job after her elder son Paul had a brain surgery. She was pregnant after ten years, and she decided to go back to Korea. Through many prayers, she could deliver healthy son and come back to Japan. This baby has grown up healthy and brilliant and has brought happiness upon the family and our ministry. They are very happy and thankful for God’s grace. Missionary Joseph Choi was hired in KyuShu Univerity and shepherd Terasaki is now officially hired. Shephered Paul Jung and Ishihara brought a new house. Ezla Park had a contract in Waseda and Tokyo University. Though the contract ended this year, he is now working at Tokyo University as a professor. Also other shepherd and missionaries had been officially hired and they have been thankful. In retrospect, 2012 we conclude with thankfulness and God’s grace. We are not enough before God, but we thank Him for his limitless grace and love and we experienced the layman missionary life through the power of gospel.
In 2013, we also pray that we may work in God and be used by God. May his grace be shown to the world and to the people around us. All together in Japan, we pray that 120 one-to-one bible study, 120 members attending worship service, 12 shepherds. We may send out 47 missionaries to other 47 countries in Asia. Especially this year we pray that we may be thankful for He has given us more than what we could ever ask for. We hope to continue praying to and working in God. 
By M. Daniel Jeong, Japan