Korea National United Students Conference 2013

  • by WMD
  • Feb 11, 2013
  • 1080 reads

Korea UBF

February 11, 2013


"And let us run… fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1b, 2a)

Thank and praise God who blessed the National United Students Conference for 4 days and 3 nights from Mon., Jan. 28, 2013 to Thur., Jan. 31, 2013 at Jeju Island. A total of 312 people attended and the title was “Let us Fix our Eyes on Jesus.”

1. Preparations

This was the 11th conference. The preparation committee decided to extend the conference period to 4 days and 3 nights to have more abundant words of God and to add a tour program as well. We appointed student leaders to guide the tour and lead the singing program by themselves. For the registration fee, laymen shepherds and each local chapter supported students. Some new pioneering chapters were supported by big chapters. As a result, many more students were able to attend.

2. The work of the word of God

The attendants were mostly young college students or graduate students or student shepherds who graduated from college just two or three years ago. They all responded to every lecture with "Amen" with a burning desire to be a man of faith and to live as a disciple of Jesus.

The opening message was delivered by Sh. Spurgeon from Chongro 2 UBF based on Psalm 84, entitled “Yearning for the Courts of the Lord.” He said that the happiest moment for us is the time of being with God. He testified that the psalmist yearned and even fainted for the courts of the Lord, saying that God cannot be exchanged with anything of this world. His message urged us all to turn our attention from the world to God.

The main lecture 1 was delivered by Sh. Elijah Kim from Incheon UBF with the title of “Be Holy” based on Leviticus 11:44, 45. Through this message he planted a deep awareness of the issue of ‘Holiness’ in the hearts of the young people of this generation. The disciples of Jesus, in particular, should always remember the cross of Jesus and cherish 'Holiness' in their inner person. Even though his lecture continued for more than an hour, no one got bored. Rather, everyone listened carefully and repeatedly responded with 'Amen' to his message.

The main lecture 2 was served by Sh. Junseop Yeom from Chongro 2 UBF, who graduated from college in 2010. From the beginning of his message, he said that when we try to live as disciples of Jesus, naturally sufferings follow. Then he taught us that the secret of a victorious life of faith is to look up to Jesus who endured the cross for the joy set before him, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The main lecture 3 was delivered by Sh. Caleb Kim from Chongro 1 UBF, entitled “Tell all the Words of this Life” based on Acts 5. While sharing his own testimony, he emphasized that the work of salvation can happen when we practically preach the gospel praying by faith. He said "If each one of us preach the gospel to 1,000 people, then 300,000 people can hear the gospel. With that vision he challenged us to go to each mission field and practically preach the gospel on each campus.

All those inspired by the words of God from the first day filled the auditorium again on the second day even from early morning eager to listen to the words of God all over again. M. Joseph P. Ahn from Chicago delivered a message specifically for students with the title “Let’s Look up to Jesus” based on John 3:14, 15. He clearly said that when we look up to Jesus who was lifted up “just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,” we human beings can be healed. In his message he encouraged all students to win the victory through looking up to Jesus, thinking about what is truly valuable in one’s youth. On the third day morning, Sh. Yonan Kim from Kwangju 1 UBF served morning devotion with the message of “The Faith of the Five Loaves and Two Fish.” That evening after climbing up Halla Mountain and visiting Mara Island, Sh. Mark Cho from Jeju center gave us the Jeju UBF mission report. And the morning devotion of the last day was served by Sh. Stephen Kim from Jinju center with a message, entitled, “Bread of Life.”

3. The 12 life testimony speakers

A total of 12 speakers shared their life testimonies: On the first day, six speakers shared their life testimonies; on the second day, three speakers; and on the third day the remaining three shared. Sh. Seung Dae Han from Kwanak 5 UBF, who was among them, gave up all two days of the tour program and re-wrote his testimony three times.  He testified to the grace of Jesus sharing his testimony with many tears. There were 70 more students who gave up the third day tour program on a voluntary basis and wrote their testimonies remaining at the conference site.

4. Thanksgiving

Thank God for giving us such good weather during the conference period that all 105 Halla Mountain climbers successfully conquered the mountain peak; they and the Mara Island visiting team also successfully got back down to the southernmost island of South Korea and came back safely to the conference site after praying for the peaceful reunification of North Korea and South Korea.

Thank God for all Jeju UBF co-workers who hosted the conference. From welcoming guests at the airport to cleaning up the reception hall and serving snacks, all Jeju UBF co-workers, beginning with Sh. Mark Cho, sacrificially served the conference. We especially give thanks to those who wholeheartedly served practical things like programs, public relations and etc.; they are Sh. James Lee from Choongcheong UBF, Sh. Joshua Lee from Hanyang UBF, Sh. Moses Kim from Anam 1 UBF and Sh. Nehemiah Kim from Kwangju 1 & 6 UBF, who served all the announcements. We also thank Sh. David Kim, the representative of Korea UBF, who came and specifically encouraged students in the midst of his illness.

5. Characteristics

First, the conference was magnified by students’ volunteered participation. We empowered student leaders to help their members to actively participate in the conference program. As the result all students attended the morning devotions and wrote their reflections and shared their reflections, group by group. And they also had a practical time of thanksgiving offering during the conference period.  In addition, we gave each group a mission of making UCC, “Our tale” in order to help them to have a spirit of unity. Surprisingly, all 12 teams completed their mission staying up all night. We could see young students’ simple power, strength and their passion as well.

Second, we could see that all students were full of enthusiasm to live for the Lord and to rejoice in Jesus.  In addition, we newly found out that our students have a lot of ability and willingness. So, we learned that the united students’ conference should be made in the direction for students to go out from the daily routine to the wide world.

Third, we discovered that the words of God and having fun can go together in a conference. After the conference, we could get a great response for the fun tour schedule, which can be highly valuable because it was the time for the students to hang out together and learn from each other.

I pray that before the conference we may form a planning committee and prepare for the conference through many discussions so that this annual conference may be the true discipleship conference and settle down as a well characterized UBF conference. I also pray that this conference may continually grow and be preciously used for the world mission and for Bible Korea. 

By Sh. Moses Kim, Anam 1 UBF, Korea
