Urgent Prayer Request for Sh Lyazzat

  • by WMD
  • Feb 26, 2013
  • 820 reads


Astana UBF, Kazakhstan
February 26. 2013
M. David Byun (CIS Coordinator) earnestly requests us to pray for the urgent eye operation of Shepherdess Lyazzat   (coworker of Kaerat) of Astana, Kazakhstan. 

About 2 years ago due to a car accident her eye-sight became weaker and her eyes were filled with pus. She was treated with antibiotics in the local hospital. But she became worse and she received an eye operation in the Almaty hospital. But the result of the operation was not so good and she is now in danger of losing her eye-sight completely. Now (February 26) she is leaving for Korea to receive proper treatment. Please pray for her that God may allow the best doctor, the precise diagnosis and the restoration of her eye-sight. She prays that she may go to Turkmenistan as a missionary when she is healed along with her family.

Thank you for your prayers.

M. David Byun