Quezon UBF (Philippines) Report By John Jeong

  • by WMD
  • Feb 28, 2013
  • 1145 reads


Quezon UBF, Philippines
February 28, 2013
See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse-- the blessing if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today;” (Deuteronomy 11:26-27)
In 2012, Quezon chapter got a new place inside the UP campus. It is an office but we borrowed it every Sunday for Sunday worship service. Because we got the office inside UP campus, it became easier for us to invite students from the campus. We pray that this office may be used as the cave of Machpelah for pioneering UP campus.
Until now, we have been pioneering the University of the Philippines and daughter Sarah entered UP campus and serves our mission together. Sarah, at first, was hesitant to enter the University of the Philippines because her other friends were going to universities in Korea or in other developed countries. She was depressed because while her friends with similar ability and academic grades were going to the Ivy League, she had to enter an old university in the Philippines. However, she successfully overcame her sadness and serves the mission together with us. Hannah went to the university next to the University of the Philippines. She experienced God’s help a lot of times and by faith she had planned to enter the University of the Philippines but she failed to enter and was distressed by it. However, with prayer she overcame her sadness and I learned a lot from her attitude when she gave her heart to God’s history. Two daughters went fishing together and served God's mission and have a sense of stewardship. Hannah teaches violin and Sarah is a conductor. Also, Sarah invites her friends from the University of the Philippines. They also correct my English message every week. My biggest thanksgiving prayer topic is that my two daughters have a sense of stewardship for the history of God and serve mission together with us well.
With the help of two daughters students are coming gradually. Among them Louie brother is growing as he attends worship service and 1:1 Bible study for 2 years and learns violin from Hannah. He majors in physics but because of a lack of funds to pay his tuition fee he withdrew from school temporarily. But by the power of prayer his mother got a job and he returned to school. Through this incident he experienced the power of prayer and grew as a leader. Other sheep are also having 1:1 Bible study with the help of daughters. However, one sheep, Ralph, attended worship service regularly and grew as a leader but as he entered the pyramid company and was blinded by greed for money and busy life he did not come to worship service anymore. I realized that Filipinos can be afraid if they are confronted with the money issue. Since people live in abject poverty, corruption is present in every aspect of their lives.
Filipinos are blaming their government for corruption but they are also corrupt. Also there are a lot of people who lost their hope and live without a future plan. When I interviewed some people for my company I asked them one question: What is your dream? They couldn’t give answers well and were confused since they never thought about it before. Common people in the Philippines live day by day without any dream or future hope. As I see them, I feel as if I am looking at Korea 20 years ago. However, with God’s blessing Korea developed not only spiritually but also economically. I pray with hope that the potential power of the Philippines will be revealed by God. I feel that there is no other answer than to spread the Bible message and raise sheep.
However, I feel negative thoughts about the fact that only one family is serving the work of God.
We feel the necessity of coworkers. The doctor suggested Missionary Sarah to have a surgery for thyroid cancer because her thyroid became bigger since the cancer was discovered 2 years ago. I feel sorry for Missionary Sarah who gets exhausted by the hot weather in the Philippines. And also because of arrhythmia she feels pain in her heart. I fear that this might lead to a heart attack.
Missionary Sarah Jeong usually went to the campus alone because I was too busy with my business. However, until now God has kept her health, so I believe that He will continue to protect her until she finishes God’s mission.
In 5 years mission field, for the past 4 years, Missionary John Jeong has been criticizing President Lee Myung Bak’s governance. Looking back, fear seems to be the main factor which led me to pay close attention to the Korean government and, consequently, criticize the politicians. Once the Korean government adapted a high exchange rate system, I was afraid that my business would fail. In fact, when I was in Korea, I was never afraid. I could not understand other shepherds who had fear in their hearts. However, when I discovered myself being a slave to fear, I could not acknowledge my weakness and started blaming the Korean government instead. I also became lustful; and because of all these factors, I could not raise sheep well. I, later, blamed myself out of embarrassment over my behaviors, but finally realized that reading God’s message and repenting my sins would be the only way to revive my spirit. Even when I was occupied with fears for the business, God helped the business to flourish, led us to buy our own house and to have a center inside the UP campus. With all these blessings, we were able to serve the mission in stable condition. Looking back at all the blessings God has given us, I realized that God will always provide our necessities regardless of the Korean government policies and that I should repent of my fear toward the rising exchange rate through praising God and contemplating God’s message. When I look back at my past life, I find that my life has been filled with more worldly desires than spiritual desires; I pray that I may learn how to live according to faith in 2013.
After, I turned my attention solely toward God, I was able to write the message with my whole heart and gained courage to continue fishing in UP campus. I also actively managed the business and was able to expand my business through God’s grace and guidance. In 2013, the most important work that I should accomplish is the work of raising God’s disciples and of spreading God’s word and making the business successful. The only way through which I can achieve all these things is by praying and reflecting on God’s word every morning.
I chose Deuteronomy 11:26-27 as my key verse:“See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse-- the blessing if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today;” Every morning, God grants me His message and blessing while Satan gives me worldly works, despair, lust, and curse. However, whether I will accept God’s gift or Satan’s gift depends completely on my choice. I pray that God will lead me to always accept God’s gift, so that, in this year, we may raise 1 Abraham and 1 Sarah. I also pray that God will make my business prosperous so that I can be ready to accept co-workers.
By John Jeong