Romania UBF Ministry Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 02, 2013
  • 870 reads
Romania UBF

March 1, 2013

God Raised Brother Alex as a Father of Faith for the Agriculture and Veterinary Department
John 12:24 "I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.“
1. God’s Ministry through Key Verses and Bible Study
Through John 12:24, my family served God’s ministry with hope for the distant future. We studied Luke’s gospel and Ephesians this year. The long term deflation and the IMF rescue financing agreement and the corrupt state officials have given the sheep in Romania no hope. That is why we helped them not to fix their eyes on this reality but on God’s blessing. Most of all, we helped them not to fall into sins of the flesh, but to fight with their spiritual armor on by giving their five loaves and two fish to God.
Now we have prepared some Bible study material in Romanian; these are John’s gospel, Genesis, Luke’s gospel, and Ephesians. My co-worker Monika Jung heads up the Daily Bread department and serves the sheep with Daily Bread.
2. The Change in Brother Alex and His Spiritual Growth
The pioneering ministry in Romania began in June 2006, when John Jung served God along with Monika Jung as a house church. When we asked God for more co-workers, God sent Peter and Susi Han’s family through the embassy in February 2010. Till their return to Thailand in February 2012, God used this family for his ministry in Romania. They continue to pray for us.
We served the hopeful father of faith Alex (master’s course for agricultural consulting) and Bogdan. Last year, we served Brother Doru (agricultural landscaping 4) and Sister Andrea (Bucharest, politics and foreign policy 1) so that they could come back to God and be born again. Alex and Bogdan shared their life testimonies Christmas 2011 and confessed that they are sinners. That is why we served them from all our hearts as the first fruits. Since we were having the Balkan conference in Romania, we prayed that they would be appointed as co-workers for God’s ministry.
By God’s help, we solved our problems being independent, conquering the language, and of residency permits. Our son, who had a difficult birth, grew well. Satan attacked our sheep constantly with desires and greediness so that we had to remain alert continuously. In this time, the Holy Spirit worked in Alex’s heart so that he could decide to live with the Han family. He began attending early morning prayer meetings and writing testimonies in order to taste God’s grace. He brought his sister and some friends to the Balkan conference. He served the conference with a testimony and various duties. Alex was once always nervous because of his stunted growth. He was a shy person. He received much grace through the Balkan conference. He did not miss worship services. God helped him to finish his studies, which seemed impossible to overcome and to begin his master’s degree. He is full of grace. We are praying that God will help him to find a fitting job and experience the promise of Matthew 6:33.
May God use Alex as a source of blessing for the agriculture department. Doru and Andrea received much grace from the message of the Ten Commandments at the summer conference. They repented of their flesh desires and participated regularly in one to one Bible study and Sunday worship. We are praying that Doru will be a blessing for the agriculture and veterinary schools. May God raise up Andrea as a spiritual mother for the University of Bucharest. Recently, God gave Alex and Bogdan desire to have regular early morning devotion. Through early morning devotion and Daily Bread, they will grow to be independent pioneers for the University of Bucharest.
3. God Supported Us through Serving during the Preparation for the Balkan Summer Conference
The sixth Balkan summer conference was held from August 17 to 19. From August 19 to 20 Dr. John Jun and Dr. Peter Chang served us with the CME (Continuous Missionary Education) program. We could renew our role as missionaries through the study from Ephesians and the salvation and church theory. The topic of this year’s Balkan conference was “You give them something to eat.” Sixty-six people attended the conference. There were 19 natives. At first, I wanted to have a loose program, because the Balkan people like to play and converse. But then we decided to study God’s word deeply and hope for the work of God’s word. Through the concerted and self-denying co-working of our missionaries, the Holy Spirit worked in the sheep and the missionaries and granted us so much grace.
Since we were serving the international conference for the first time, we did not know how we should prepare. We were the only family and it burdened me a great deal. I thought, if it had been last year, we would have had the Han family. God helped us through the shepherds in An-Am UBF, Korea and the predecessors in Europe, who helped like servants for the conference and we received much grace.
4. Key Verse for 2013 and Prayer Topics
Key Verse: Mark 6:37a: „But he answered, You give them something to eat.”
Prayer Topics:
  1. for Bucharest to become a blessed city and be awakened to spiritual knowledge;
  2. for God to raise up 84 house churches for 84 universities in Romania by 2020 (56 state and 28 private);
  3. for our sheep, Alex, Bogdan, Doru, Andrea and Veronika, to grow through early morning devotion and Daily Bread;
  4. for Missionary John Jung to prepare the message from Luke and Exodus;
  5. for Monika Jung to deliver a healthy baby (tentatively July 2013).
By  John Jung