The Update of Shs. Lyazzat

  • by WMD
  • Mar 02, 2013
  • 735 reads


March 2, 2013

Shs. Lyazzat almost lost her eyesight. She has complications caused by autoimmune destruction; namely, she took too many antibiotics and steroids in Kazakhstan, causing autoimmune crosstalk. Her condition is similar to rheumatoid disease in which the white blood cells attack the cells of one’s own body. As a result, currently her eyes and joints became abnormal – in fact, her eyes got cataracts, and a lot of pus accumulated in the optic nerves which caused her to become legally blind. However, physicians diagnosed that if she removes the current cataracts and pus through surgery, it is possible for her to recover the previous state of her eyesight (that is, a readable state when she reads a book up close).

According to Dr. Sh. James Seo (Kyungseong UBF, Korea), she will be hospitalized for about a week in Kyunghee University Medical Center from next Monday and treated by rheumatoid care professionals. After that she will receive outpatient treatment for about a week.

May the grace of God be with her to be completely healed!
