Guadalajara UBF Mission Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 04, 2013
  • 1118 reads


Guadalajara UBF, Mexico

March 4, 2013       

“Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn (Psalms 57:8).”

I thank and praise God that our God has been protecting us, and leading the holy work in Guadalajara UBF faithfully for the last year although we are weak. In particular, we praise God who is merciful and good always. In 2012, not only did we learn Jesus deeply and each of us grew in him faithfully as his disciples, but also we prayed for young students at campus to be disciples of Jesus.

1. Bible Study

While studying the book of Psalms 57 and Ezekiel 37, we prayed for revival of early morning prayer and the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in the beginning of 2012. We also learned about ancestors of faith and growth to be Jesus’ disciples through the book of Genesis and Mark Bible study last year.  The leaders of 6 fellowships served Bible study at each fellowship and Sunday worship service message alternating with M. Timothy Lee every other week. We earnestly pray that we may value one student preciously who loves God and follows Him, and that God may continually bless our discipleship ministry through one to one Bible study.

2. Establishing Disciples

During the January leaders’ conference, God anointed six disciples of Jesus Christ- Gonzalo, Eunice, Karen, Leidy, Fabiola y Felipe-who have been studying Bible and attending Sunday worship service sincerely throughout the year of 2012. They are good soldiers of Jesus Christ. They participated in the sufferings of Christ and decided to be good workers of God, being acceptable to God. After they were anointed as disciples of Jesus, they joyfully participated in the fishing ministry and willingly served dance and play programs as much as possible in Bible conferences.

3. Bible Conferences and Symposiums

There was the united Easter Bible conference among several UBF chapters- Guadalajara, Zapopan, IPN, Tepic, and Monterrey II- on April 5-8 at Inspiration Center. A total of 114 people attended the conference, including 83 people from Guadalajara chapter, and Daniel Lee, Miso Lee, Luke Lee from South Korea. The title of the conference was “Get Up, Young People,” and junior shepherds served powerful messages with their sincere heart. Especially, all attendants were overjoyed through twelve peoples’ baptism and communion led by M. Daniel Lee.

In September, we had a fall Bible conference, entitled “300 Warriors of Faith.” 58 people attended including students who have been studying Bible sincerely and four students-Abraham, Balam, Isaías y Ailed-shared their deep reflection joyfully.

The symposium commemorating the Protestant Reformation was held during Oct 30th –Nov 2nd. There were study reports about the meaning of the cross, martyrs of Apostolic Church, Augustine, Martin Luther, Calvin, and the Puritans. The conclusion of the symposium was “Return to Bible,” and especially we prayed that we would be small reformers of the 21st century with true repentance.

4. Wednesday Academy

Junior shepherds delivered messages based on the book of 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Romans throughout 2012. They struggled to be excellent messengers and many students could listen to the word of God.

5. Prayer House at the Univ. Center for Health Sciences (Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud)(CUCS)

We prayed that each fellowship could independently serve each campus in Guadalajara University. Our God accepted this prayer request and established the prayer house through the family of 2nd Gen John Rhee. The opening worship service was held with the word of God, “You Give Them Something to Eat.” May God bless the Warriors’ fellowship and use this prayer house preciously for serving medical students and making them missionaries.

6. Christmas Worship Service

We had a Christmas worship service little early because we wanted to invite more students since most students go back home as soon as the semester ends. We prayed all the more persistently for 120 attendants although we were concerned about the overlapping date of worship service with final exams and the lack of student shepherds. When we prayed earnestly, God miraculously answered our prayers and a total of 130 people attended (111 adults and 19children). We praise God for giving us much grace and peace in our hearts through learning and meditating on the Baby Jesus who was King of the universe but was born in a manger to save us, based on the book of Luke chapter 2. We worshiped Baby Jesus with shepherds’ traditional dance, youth dance, missionaries’ chorus, special song by orchestra, and so on.

7. World Mission

We thank to God for the life of faith of M. Jose Antonio and M. Isabel in the Dominican Republic. Guadalajara coworkers joyfully offered the amount of a year rent fee to support the pioneering ministry in the Dominican Republic. We also gave our Christmas special offering for establishing the Bethesda hospital in Uganda.

8. Direction for 2013

When we think about getting ready to serve campus mission, we want to challenge the discipleship ministry by making a fishing strategy from each fellowship. We plan to study Daniel 12 and 2 Timothy 2 in the beginning of this year, and we pray that we may challenge this generation and bear fruit that is pleasing to God.  We continually pray for 150 one to one Bible study ministry and 120 attendants in Sunday worship service.

M. Timothy Lee
