Paraguay UBF Mission Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 06, 2013
  • 739 reads

Paraguay UBF

March 6, 2013

On January 2012, I was anointed as director of Paraguay while the Latin America Directors’ Conference was taking place in Brazil.

When I returned to my mission field, I had a new pioneering spirit and vision for Paraguay campus mission. But practically I could not do anything more for the pioneering work.

Though we have been living in our home center very close to the campus we were not able to visit campus often and invite students to Bible study. Sometimes we had Sunday worship service without any campus visiting.
As for our daily lives during the week we had to get going to work at 4:30am in order to open our mini convenience store and return home at 6pm. It seemed like we were running around in circles everyday in meaninglessness.

But God has been given us true rest, graceful and meaningful Sunday worship service every week through the life giving word of God since we arrived in our mission land about 12 years ago.
Meanwhile, from last July 2012, after moving our convenience store to another location God began to bless our business enabling us to entrust the business to our employees; and in addition, God blessed us to open another small business near the campus. 
From that time on, God enabled us to close the business in the early afternoon, and let us go up to the campus inviting students often. 
Because of that I thanked God for granting me a wonderful life in him and for leading my family into his righteousness. Now we pray that we may newly serve campus pioneering work through inviting students and on the spot 1:1 ministry in the campus. As for my family we are alone since the late M. John Lee went to heaven, M. Maria Lee is in Korea and one shepherd family left our ministry.

We raised four children. Among them my first (13 years old) son is co-working with us and the rest go to a Korean church in this area. We pray that God may watch over us and make us as a gospel light shining on Paraguay campuses and world mission work.
Prayer topics:
1. UNA campus pioneering work
2. M. Andrew Heo and Sunday message
3. M. Anna Heo, her health and raising children
4. Spiritual restoration of M. Juan Hwang's family
M. Anres Heo