A Mission Report of M. Rebekah Hong in Braunschweig

  • by WMD
  • Mar 08, 2013
  • 1341 reads


 Braunschweig UBF, Germany

March 8, 2013

Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

I. Living in darkness

I had been living in the darkness for 28 years before I met Jesus. I was born as youngest among 3 brothers and 3sisters. My grandfather had many servants and my father was a leader of many small towns. When I entered elementary school, I was wearing a red leather backpack and red shoes, while other students only had a black cloth bag. In a rich family, I was living like a princess. When I was 8, my father passed away and my situation changed. My brothers and sisters who were studying well were recognized by my family and relatives, but they were ashamed of me. My mother told me to get a nice job and marry to a rich guy instead of going to a college. In the 70's and 80's, the best job was to work at the Korean National Bank. I submitted my resume to the Korean National Bank with a recommendation from the president of Korean National Bank. I expected that my life would be so much better. After a month, HR cancelled my work approval due to a conflict between headquarters and  branches. My family encouraged me to try again and again, I failed. My family said that I was the unluckiest person in the world. I also had fatalism that nothing would be good with me and lived under darkness. However, God shone his light on me and became a rising sun on February, 1982.

Ⅱ. Living as a blessing to shine the light of life.

God invited me to UBF 1:1 Bible study through my friend. I studied with Msn. Mark Hong in Madison, U.S.A. and learned that there was a spiritual world. Through Genesis 1:31, God taught me my true identity and set me free from fatalism and comparison with my siblings. Genesis 12:2 changed my view of life and I accepted that God made me a blessing. Holding on to God's promise, I was full of hope and faith that I could do everything in God. Sh. Bona Hong who was a director at that time anointed me as a missionary candidate although it had only been 4 months since I started Bible study. After 7 months of Bible study, he encouraged me to pioneer one campus. I obeyed his direction and started 1:1 Bible study with campus students and raised 3 shepherds after one year. Next year, God established a house church with Msn. Jabez Caleb Hong and sent us to America as a missionary family. I believed that God fulfilled his promise and made me great in him. I didn't have much time to be trained as a campus shepherd, but God trained me through my family. They thought that I became crazy because of Jesus and kicked me out. It was painful to be alone without any support from my family, but God was raising me as a disciple through this time. I tried to deny myself and take up my cross to learn from Jesus, but God trained me again. I had a still birth for my first child. At that time, God granted me 1Th. 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." It was a difficult time, but I decided to accept God's sovereignty and his love in that situation.

God took my first child as an offering and blessed our campus ministry. God comforted me through raising 4 shepherds. After 3years, God granted us a son named John. One day, sh. Jin-young was hit by a car on the way home after Bible study at the bible house. She was brought to the hospital, but passed away. While looking at her at the hospital, I cried out for my sins. At that time, I was sorry for my poor shepherd life and decided to save money, expecting a better life since msn. Jabez Caleb got a government job. I used to give money for taxi to the shepherds, but encouraged them to ride a bycycle in order to save money. Sh. Jin-younhg wouldn't have gotten in an accident if she took a taxi. Through this, God taught me that one soul is much more precious than money. I made a decision not to seek a comfortable life, but to live as a missionary following Jesus' example.  God sent Msn. Jabez Caleb Hong in 1989, and me in 1991 to Stuttgart, Germany 'for His name's sake.'

Ⅲ. God who is stronger than the law of Germany

My missionary key verse was Acts 3:6, "Then Peter said, 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.'" God helped me to enter Nursing school although I was not good at studying. After one year in a language course, I joined regular classes, but couldn't understand at all. I was not sure whether or not I would be able to finish the program. God showed me his almighty power in my school studies. Teachers underlined important things in my text book. For the exams, I just wrote what I memorized without understanding the questions.  Then ,the teachers corrected the order of my answers. Only by God's grace, I passed every semester without fail. I experienced that God works for the good for those who love him.

God trained me through my visa problem. According to the law, I had to go back to Korea after 3 years of studying. I tried to extend the period, but failed. I reecived notices twice to go back to Korea, but couldn't leave because I believed that God had sent me to Germany. I prayed hard believing God's sovereignty and absolute calling to experiece John 15:6.  Msn. Jabez Caleb tried to get a job giving up his studies, but he failed again and again. It seemed that God was sleeping without answering our prayers. Even the director of Stuttgart ministry told us that God didn't want us to stay in Germany and to go back to to Korea. However, I simply believed God's promise and made a plan to get a job at Samsung by holding on to Hebrews 11:1.

First, we set up a specific date of entering Samsung. We prepared a nice suit, shoes and bag. Msn. Jabez Caleb wore glasses to make him look smarter. I believed that he would be a manager, so I called him "Manager Hong".  We looked crazy and stupid, but Jesus saw our faith. After two months of our plan, God granted him a job at Samsung in Braunschweig. He was offered the same salary as a manager. Through this, God solved our visa problem and granted us German citizenship in 2002. God is more powerful than German law and showed his almighty power to those whom he called. I thank and praise Almighty God!

VI. Mission field, Braunschweig

1. Pioneering history

God started pioneering ministry in February, 1998 in Braunschweig. We held Mark 3:13-14 and prayed to raise 12 disciples in 10 years. Braunschweig campus is the first engineering school in Germany which has 240 years of history. There are 15,000 students. The architectural engineering, mechanical engineering and civil engineering schools are well known in Europe. While serving Braunschweig disciple raising ministry, we have been learning the widow's persistent prayer. Msn. Jabez Caleb devoted himself to studying the word of God and prayer. God granted us several sheep who had spiritual desire. They attended Sunday worship service and testimony sharing meetings faithfully. After graduation, they left the ministry for a better job and future. We were left with an empty net. They was no one left for 8 years and we started doubting God's promise.  I wanted to be free from God's mission and promise. God knew my doubts and showed me his hope. God helped me by sending sh. Hanes on the day of freshman orientation in 2006. He started Bible study from the first day we met. He simply obeyed Jesus' calling through the first bible study. After 2 weeks, he had bible study every day. God restored our hearts through his spiritual growth. He accepted Luke 5:10 and made a decision to be a campus shepherd. God blessed our ministry through raising him as an Abraham of faith.

2. Disciple rasing

In 2008, my son John Hong entered Braunschweig majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Sh. Hanes who was studying Educaction coworked well with John. John took care of sh. Hanes' weaknesses through helping with his presentaion and seminar. Whenever I studied with John, I emphasized God's will for us to serve German campus mission. I taught him that our mission is to raise German shepherds and prepare a spiritual enviroment until they grow as spiritual leaders. John was not mature enough to fully accept this mission, but he has been growing through self-denial. God blessed disciple raising ministry through our coworking. Last fall, we met Thomas Akuman (Edu. 1) and Thomas Ob (Architecture 4). Thomas Akuman loves the word of God. He attended Matthew Bible study and Friday Discipleship meeting. He also invited his nephew and two friends to Christmas worship service.

Thomas Ob doesn't have spiritual background, but simply accepts the word of God with a pure heart. He learned about the biblical meaning of marriage through attending UBF wedding in Koln. God bore with my lack of faith and sent many students. They come to disicpleship meeting and have spritual desire. To take care of them, we have to pray hard. It is not easy for one family to take care of 6 German students and raise them as disciples of Jesus. I pray that God may grant Msn. Jabez Caleb his word and wisdom, so he may able to adjust 1:1 schedule based on his ability.

3. Coworking

We have prayed to have beautiful coworking in the love of Jesus. Six years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. I was worrying, but not fearful because I had real hope for the Kingdom of heaven. This hope made me follow Jesus for the last 30 years. I have wanted to hear from Jesus, "Well done, good and faithful servant! Come, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you." But, I was worrying about Msn. Jabez Caleb and my son John and sh. Hanes who will be left without me. They were trying to help me in many ways. Msn. Jabez Caleb played guitar every evening to cast away the darkness which was in me. Sh. Hanes and John were with me in turn whenever I received Chemotherapy. Doctors and nurses thought that sh. Hanes was my son because he was taking care of me sincerely. Sh. Hanes was with me during my therapy for 7 months although it took 7 hours every time. Through this difficult time, we all became one and served each other with the love of God. Last year, the doctor told me that I was completely healed. I learned that neither death nor life can separate us from the love of God.

4. World Misson

We have prayed to devote ourselves before God holding on to Isaiah 54:2, "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes" for the last 3 years. Especially, we financially supported other mission fields and missionaries once a year becasue we wanted to share God's blessing. God helped us to purchase a new Braunschweig center with 100% our own finances. I struggled for this and calculated. It was not easy to do so after Msn. Jabez Caleb's business went bankrupt. However, Msn. Jabez Caleb, John and I prayed together to follow what God wanted. We saw vision that 15,000 campus souls will be fed in this center and many sheep will be sent to other nations for the gospel. We learned that faith is to seek God's kingdom and his righeousness instead of our own situation. We made a decision of faith based on Hebrews 11:6 believing that God's reward. God was pleased with our faith and granted us an apartment within 10 minutes of the campus. We now worship God in the best environment. I thank and praise God!

One word: "God works for the good of those who love him."