The Work of God in Mexico City Univ. UBF

  • by WMD
  • Mar 09, 2013
  • 915 reads

Mexico City UBF

March 9, 2013

1. Campus GBS

We thank God for richly blessing Mexico C.U ministry. Sh. Aurora and a few other leaders have been serving the GBS continually and independently. Now after one year it has increased to 4 GBS groups (Tue, Wed, Thur and Sat) and each GBS leader has been independently preparing GBS materials through deep personal  Bible study prior to the GBS in order to lead the group. Just before beginning their GBS the leaders go out to invite students making a spiritual environment for it. When they bring new students to the GBS it begins. It was a very small work like "five loaves and two fish" for campus pioneering. In the beginning it didn’t seem to be fruitful but after several months we could see the fruits through the work of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes more than 10 new comers attended the GBS. Some of them have begun 1:1 Bible study and are attending Sunday worship service.

2. Friday Bible Café

Though we had been having Friday Bible Academy for many years it was not interesting to students. When M. Sarah and our sister leaders had a spirit of stewardship and a sense of problem about the Bible Cafe, they began to pray earnestly together so that the meeting may be fresh and be fruitful for the glory of God. They all also decided that they will actively invite new students bringing them to the Bible Cafe. While most of them were inviting students at the campus M. Abraham and M. Sarah took care of the children of those who left their children at the center. We changed the name from Bible Academy to Bible Cafe and prepared a program with praise and abundant coffee, bread and fruits.
M. Abraham entrusted the task of messenger training to Sh. Jorge so that he may do it independently. The Bible Cafe was full of grace as if we were having summer Bible conference. God greatly blessed the meeting with many new comers. Most of all, the fishing ministry was rather impressive. Particularly Sh. Sandra has been bringing new students each week to our meeting since she has been going fishing on the campus everyday right after her work. Sh. Janet, Ruth, Martha, Ailed, Jazmin, Carla and Rosalba are all sacrificially serving fishing ministry. As a result, many sheep are growing in the grace of God’s word and under their loving care. Currently about 20-30 new comers are attending the Bible Cafe and all our leaders are greatly joyful for them. We thank God for accepting our sister leaders' earnest prayer and coworking, and who has richly blessed the Bible Cafe. To us every Friday is the day of spiritual warfare with Satan because they are all vulnerable to Satan's temptation such as many kinds of secular feasts after school on Friday. Our mission is to bring the wandering souls to Jesus our Lord through the spiritual feast, the Bible Cafe.

3. House church work

God blessed M. Erendira to establish a family of God with M. Noah from Bolivia. She has been coworking with M. Marcos Kim's family for a few years in Buenos Aires. We pray that God may grow them to be a fruitful house church for Argentine mission work. God also blessed Sh. Esmeralda to establish a family of God with Sh. David on June 2012. Until now 8 missionaries were sent out to Central America from C.U center (they are all native Mexican shepherds). We pray that God may use Mexico as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation for Central America and for the world.

4. Sunday Worship Service

Our Sunday worship service number continues to grow and has currently reached 140-150. But the space of worship service was not suitable for the number and we also were concerned that it might hinder the discipleship ministry. That is why we divided it into two groups. Now Sh. Sergio is in charge of the first worship service and of the ministry as a responsible shepherd. The second worship service and the ministry are also entrusted to Sh. Raul under his leadership. We thank God for greatly blessing Mexico C.U UBF discipleship ministry. We pray that God may continue to bless our ministry of raising disciples so that our ministry may increase in number greatly, enabling us to have a third and fourth Sunday worship service, and to send out many missionaries to Central America out of Mexico C.U UBF ministry.