Campinas Brazil Summer Bible Conference 2013

  • by WMD
  • Mar 13, 2013
  • 1339 reads


Caqmpinas UBF, Brazil
March 13, 2013
Ola! Praise God for a meaningful and fruitful 2013 Campinas Brazil Summer Bible Conference held on February 22-24! The theme of the conference was “Jesus, the Solution of our Lives!” There were 13 attendants: 4 missionaries, 5 second-gens, 4 Brazilians.
On the first day, our conference started with an opening message preached by Paulo Porto. He delivered a message on Mark 5:27, 28, about the hemorrhagic woman who was cured by faith in Jesus. He emphasized that through Jesus we can change our lives. Jesus can raise us up from fatalism, conformism, depression, or any other sin. He can transform our lives. We were so moved by these words thatwe were encouraged to open our hearts so that Jesus might work in us during the conference.
After that, we celebrated in the evening with worship music and life testimonies by M. Debora Kim and Sister Fernanda. They testified about how Jesus made a difference in their lives and how Jesus empowered them to overcome low self steam, fatalism, thirst for human love, meaninglessness, and anxiety to become complete and satisfied women of God. Their testimonies encouraged us to receive Jesus in our lives so that God might make us new creations in Christ Jesus.
On the second day, second gen M. Anna Kim preached on Luke 15 about the Prodigal Son. She was so moved and so thankful for what Jesus has done in her life that she couldn’t stop crying during the message. She testified about Jesus who cured her wounds and empowered her to enter medical school. After the message, we heard the testimony of second gen M. Graca Kim.
After the message we had the opportunity to meditate on the great love of God proved in the parable of the lost son and shared our testimonies.
At that night, M. Andre Kim preached on Mark 15 about Jesus’ crucifixion. He described specifically about how much Jesus suffered for us. Through the message we could feel the deep love of Jesus who loves us more than himself, a love that goes beyond feelings. Jesus was willing to give up all he had—even his life—because of his love for us. So we made a decision to repent and return to the great love of Jesus.
After the message, we heard the life testimony of M Sara Kim and had a worship dance with confession of our love to Jesus.
On the last day, we heard the last message delivered by M. Paulo Kim. He preached on John 21 about the restoration of Peter’s love. (“Peter, do you truly love me more than these?”). This message was a great opportunity to us to confess our love to Jesus and make a decision to live for him (“take care of my sheep”). So the message gave us clear direction for our lives, encouraging us to leave our old self and follow Jesus.
We thank God for the conference! We received so much love from Jesus! Jesus solved all our human, sin and death problems! And He renewed our heart to live a new life with him! Praise God! We pray that we may share this amazing love with more and more students of Unicamp. Amen!
Thank you very much for your prayer support!
Prayer Topics:
1.   For the work of the Holy Spirit through the word of God
2.   For 1 Abraham and 1 Sarah of faith
3.   For 30 attendants in our worship service and Bible studies