The Work of God in Serbia UBF 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 13, 2013
  • 704 reads
Serbia UBF
March 13, 2013
I Ran only Looking up to Jesus, Who Is the Light
Key Verse for 2013 
Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel- all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him.” (1 Kings 19:18)

1. About the Conferences and the Work of the Word

It was God’s blessing to be able to hold the National Directors‘ Conference in Serbia in 2012 where some 100 co-workers attended. God blessed us so much and granted us great joy through it by allowing the transfer of the European coordinators and Georgia’s and Heather’s wedding. Through this conference we could receive new vision and direction through Caleb’s spirit. The spring conference was from April 30to May 2. Sixteen people attended including Maja, Katarina, and Andrej. We learned about faith that overcomes seemingly impossible fate by trusting in Jesus.
At the Balkan conference ten people attended including Sister Maja. Through this conference we could learn how to search for our five loaves and two fish actively and how to give them to our sheep to eat. The Sunday messages were from Ecclesiastes and Romans. Through Ecclesiastes Bible study, we received the living hope in heaven by repenting of our hope that was based in this world. Through Romans we learned that we can only be saved by God’s grace and righteousness. Through this we have the desire to lead a life filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can lead a victorious life as children of God in a sinful world.
2. Disciple-Making Ministry
This year Sister Maja and Brother Andrej had Bible study and attended worship service regularly. Sister Maja got angry with the world and cursed it. We gave her the lovely name of Maja and expect that God will work in her. When God’s word worked in her, she found herself to be a valuable creation and her negative views changed slowly. Brother Andrej is actually a nice guy. He learned through Romans that he can only be saved through God’s righteousness and not through his self-righteousness. He has the assurance of being born again. Three sheep, Katarina, Bogdan, and Brother Marko come irregularly to Bible study. We are praying that they will attend regularly.
3. Self-Dependence
God protected M.Daniel Ko and Kaleb Yoon during the financial crisis, when so many companies were being closed down. Abraham Park’s family had to close their accessories shop in July because of too many losses. They had to fly back to Korea. We prayed fervently that God would somehow open a way for his family. God heard our prayers so that his wife, M. Deborah Park, could be hired as a cook in a cafeteria in a Korean company. Independence is a Red Sea for all the missionaries. Yet, God taught us that he himself opens the way.
4. The Growth of the Second Generation
God granted us grace that Sarah Ko overcame the musical accompaniment. David Ko attended worship service. God sent a pastor from Korea, who took care of the little children so that our second generation could grow in faith. This pastor taught Korean and opened a soccer school.
5. Direction for 2013
For the coming year, I want to concentrate on the disciple-making ministry. Especially, I should become proficient in the language and grow as a Bible teacher. The prophet Elijah won a great victory against the priests of Baal and Ashdod. Afterward, he fell into a depression for he thought he was left alone. God let him know that there were still 7,000 people left, who had not bowed their knee to Baal. I want to believe that there are 7,000 students in Serbia, who want to worship God. We are praying to be able serve campus mission and the disciple-making ministry by faith in the living God.
Prayer Topics:
  1. We want to look for the sheep whom God has left for campus mission;
  2. The growth in faith of Maja, Katarina und Andrej;
  3. For financial independence for Abraham Park’s family; visa extension, solution for a long term residency permit for the missionaries through business ideas;
  4. For all missionaries to grow as capable Bible teachers;
  5. Early morning prayer and Daily Bread.
One Word: We want to search for and serve the students whom God has left.
By Danijel Ko