The Update on Samuel Kum’s Rehabilitation Therapy, Köln II UBF

  • by WMD
  • Mar 21, 2013
  • 1263 reads

Köln II UBF, Germany

March 21, 2013

Thank you for your prayer support for Samuel Kum in Köln Germany. During the last 5 months, he has received rehabilitation therapy in walking, bicycling, and speaking so that his body muscle may gain enough strength to lift up his arms and to walk a short distance.  May Jesus, the Great Physician, restore his body and spirit completely for the glory of God.

ln II News

God gave us a new Bible house next to the campus and dormitory in which we could have worship service.  Uwe Schwarz, Anderas & Martina  are growing as Abrahams of faith along with two Chinese students .

By Markus Kum
