Almaty UBF Mission Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 22, 2013
  • 1133 reads

Almaty UBF, Kazakhstan

March 22, 2013
The key verse for 2012 of the Almaty chapter was Ps.119:105. Through this verse we accepted the main prayer topic: practical guidance of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Other prayer topics for this year were to fight in the spiritual war, to participate in world mission and to invite unbelieving youth to Jesus. We testify of God’s deeds in 2012.
  1. He allowed a short Bible Academy devoted to the new key verse on the second day of the year. Through his Word God showed us the hearts of brothers and sisters starving for the Word, having inner pains and the need for repentance and change in their lives.
  2. After the academy, our chapter hosted the CIS directors’ conference which was a great blessing for us. God allowed us to have fellowship with Dr. Jun John and P. Abraham T. Kim and also with missionaries and shepherds of the CIS. God not only established us in his Word but also practically taught us that we are one big family in Jesus Christ.
  3. On March 22 during the Asian Nauryz holiday we planned the common conference in Bishkek together with Bishkek UBF. The enemy wanted to oppose: our two dearest sisters’ father was killed and the conference’ program we prepared was threatened. But the Lord helped us to pass through all of this and managed the beautiful conference where Almaty and Bishkek sheep could hear the Word of God for the first time. We also praise God for he comforted the sisters and helped them avoid repining against Him.
  4. This year we finished a two-year study of the Letter to the Romans. This word powerfully worked among us. We repented treating the Gospel as a weak message to this world as if it doesn't need it instead of the Gospel as the message from the King Who is coming soon; and those who won’t bow before him shall be judged. Also the Good News isn't just a message about saving our lives but about the Son of God, Jesus Christ, i.e. the center of the Good News is the Lord Jesus Himself! After finishing the book, the Lord allowed us to hold the two days Bible academy in the beautiful mountainous place in Almaty with the tasty Word of God and meat. We thank God that sister N with her son V who were sent to us by God could participate in this academy.
  5. This year missionary James Point from Turkey visited us a few times which was a great blessing for us. He’s come three times for business trips and had a total of 2.5 months with us. God has used him for us as a Bible teacher and a good shepherd. I personally thank God for through missionary Point He taught me a clear view on God’s mission which at the same time is the blessing for me and every godly man; and convicted me of spiritual laziness and showed us the importance of discipleship training.
  6. One wonderful thing that God did was his work in shepherdess Ruth who was sent from Almaty to Turkey. At the moment she is in Istanbul and co-working with missionary Point’s family. We had little hope when sending her but having witnessed her life and listened to M. Point’s witness of her faithfulness we praised God for he Himself is holding her and has a great hope in her. Currently through missionary Ruth God is teaching us what it means to be a missionary-sending chapter.
  7. In a few words I wanted to share that God has sent us new Worship participants: Sisters N, K, sister Lisa from New-York (US) and sister M (a little sister of Sh.M) who entered the sister’s common life as a trainee. We also thank God for sisters J and A for coming back to our community. They now have husbandswho aren’t Christians. We pray that the Lord may helpthem repent. Additionally we have one sheep from  Anam UBF (Seoul), brother Ku, attending our SWS.
  8. One very important thing has happened: restoring of writing the Daily bread and morning prayer meetings at 6:30 a.m. in the sister’s common life. Thesedays non-common lifers come only on Saturdays but we hope this meeting will grow even more.
  9. One more wonderful thing happened in 2012 which was the restoring of 1:1 Bible studies which was practically lost since 2005. Since 2010 till autumn 2012 we restarted Bible studies in groups. Now with 1:1 God helps us to havedeep relationships[1] with other disciples for the spiritual edification of both students and shepherds.
  10. We greatly thank God for brother Z’s repentance and growth. Through 1:1 Bible study God reproofed and corrected him and gave him a job in a wonderful way when brother Z couldn’t find a job for 4 years. The Lord has changed his heart from condemning leaders to he himself becoming a leader.
  11. This year our church had to pass the re-registration procedure according to the new law on religion. We couldn’t accomplish it as Astana chapter did. That’s why our chapter became non-grata. According to the new law the Gospel-sharing itself is unlawful anywhere but in the official church. We cannot step back, however, from Jesus’ great commandment: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mk.16:15)
  12. At the end of the year God blessed the first regular sister’s testimony sharing meeting. Brothers are one step behind and plan to gather on Dec.30. We pray that next year we can be faithful in testimony writing and can open our hearts before God and each other in common prayers and bear each other’s burdens.     
Traditionally we’ll spend Christmas together with the Bishkek chapter on Jan. 5, 2013; please pray for us and for future direction and key verse for 2013. Since September 2012 we started to study the book of Genesis and God is already blessing it. We thank God for teaching us how important one soul is and how worthy itisto die for. We want to encourage you that God is indeed faithful and that he prepared the reward in heaven. Glory to God alone! Amen!  
By D. B.