Colombia UBF Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 15, 2013
  • 846 reads

Colombia UBF

April 15, 2013

We started 2012 with three prayer topics:

  1.  That God may give us His word and open our mouth to bravely preach the Gospel.

  2. 15 teams of 1:1 and 30 Sunday worship service participants.

  3. To go out fishing 3 times a week at the National University.

By God’s grace our 1:1 sheep had faithful Bible study and brought other 1:1 sheep so that God already answered our prayer for 15 1:1 teams in March. Therefore, we had to change our prayer topic to 30 1:1s per week and asked God to lead his flock to Him through His words.

Though our ministry was growing, we were worried due to financial problems. I was doing business to export Columbian coffee to Korea from 2011 but it was not successful because of disagreement on prices. Moreover, Msn. Joanna stopped her work in order to take care of sheep. So we began to pray for this problem by holding Matt 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” and went out fishing to the campus. However we didn’t get any new 1:1 sheep and gradually we were losing our confidence of faith.

Also, we were worried about sheep who were not growing. Raynel is the first sheep of our ministry; he is a policeman and likes Bible study very much, but he didn’t like to write testimony and offer a tithe to God. Even other sheep could not grow. We made a decision to have our first conference and began to pray for this. This conference was the first conference for me and I didn’t have any experience to prepare it. 

God had mercy on us and supported our conference through Ecuador and Venezuela UBF centers to send us Bible speakers for the conference. So we were very much encouraged and full of confidence that God would bless us.

God blessed this conference abundantly that all attendants wrote deep testimonies and confessed, “The Lord is Christ” and made a decision to live by faith. Especially Raynel was changed into a man of faith, now he began to offer a tithe with a thankful mind and to write a deep testimony and bring his friends to our meeting. After conference, God granted us the best place for sisters’ common life. God also blessed Msn. Joanna to get a good job in a Korean company.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

God sincerely led us in His way and helped us to have confidence and faith in God even though we had many problems in last year. We pray to establish many Bible teachers, 40 1:1s and 40 attendants for Sunday worship service in 2013. Amen.
