Tajikistan, Dushanbe UBF Annual Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 23, 2013
  • 936 reads

Dushanbe UBF, Tajikistan

April 21, 2013

Keep in step with the Spirit

Key Verse : “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” Gal.5:25

In 2012, when we tried to live by this key verse above, “live by the Spirit and keep in step with the Spirit” the Lord provided us abundant God’s grace and guided us to the best way even though we are sinful and weak in faith.

The Lord richly blessed me in 2012 to serve Genesis Bible study through every Sunday worship service in Tajik language. When we prepared Genesis message in Tajik sacrificing every weekend, the Lord poured out the grace of the words of God unto us and onto our sheep’s hearts and clothed us with faith and helped us to come to the words of God depending on the grace of God. The sister, T.T. is an orphan, but she experienced the power of prayer and her heart grew stronger through intensive one to one Bible study for last 3 years. Another sister A who came to Tajik and graduated college here and became the first sheep shared her life testimony, through which she made a decision to be a mother of faith like Rebecca of the Bible through Genesis Bible study. Through this she could overcome a fear of marriage she used to have had since her father left her mother.

The Lord allowed me to visit Korea even two times in 2012, which were for business though and helped me to have spiritual recharging time. Especially God provide me all necessary medicines for lumbar disc, my wife’s coughing, cervical disc, and even for my daughter, Y’s allergy during my visiting Korea.

God sent us many guests in 2012; some shepherds from my home center in Korea visited us. The brother, L from Afghanistan visited us and had fellowship with us for one month. My mother along with my nephew visited us and saw our practical mission lives. M. M. B. also visited us on purpose of business.

In looking forward to 2013, we once again take hold of Galatians 5:25 and 16 as our key verses so that we can correctly handle the word of truth and be strong in the grace of God and live a life of bearing much good fruit that please God, I pray.

Specifically in 2013, I pray that I may prepare Luke’s Gospel Sunday message in Tajik with all my heart and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and be led by the Spirit and have Bible reading and QT in every early morning. And also we pray to the Lord for our sisters, A, H and I to keep in step with the Spirit and the words of God and be full of God’s grace.

One Word : Keep in step with the Spirit

By M. J. A., Dushanbe UBF, Tajikistan