Tashkent CME Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • May 06, 2013
  • 943 reads

Tashkent UBF

May 4, 2013

Tashkent has been known to be the best place for foreigners to live, for it has very low living expenses and besides Tashkent city is very beautiful: there are many trees in the city; and it is very clean and well-ordered like Chicago, USA. She produces a lot of agricultural products and is especially very rich in producing all kind of fruits. Moreover the people are very diligent and kind. Religious activity, however, except Islam is very restricted. Many of God’s servants have recently been deported back to their own countries.

There are two missionary families, P’s family and S’ family. They came here for business purposes. P has a small company. He is doing well. His co-worker cares for a few sisters, one of them is growing well as a spiritual leader and she is 27 years old.  Please pray for her marriage by faith. Actually there are several beautiful sisters who need to marry. 

We had the same CME programs as Osh (Ephesians1:1-23, 2:1-10, 2:11-22, Galatians1:16-24, children’s education seminar). We had a graceful testimony sharing time at 7 p.m. Sunday. S’s co-worker shared a very graceful reflection, repenting her pride and made a decision again to help students.

P’s coworker has helped several students. Although all of them ran away except one, she has not been discouraged. Rather she became full of spiritual desire. She specifically asked us to pray for her two daughters’ education.

Their prayer topics are:

  1. To raise native messengers;
  2. To help students wisely;
  3. To help one sister leader to marry by faith;
  4. ISBC.