God Blessed Lagos UBF Easter!

  • by WMD
  • May 09, 2013
  • 1137 reads

Lagos, Nigeria

May 9,  2013 

The Power of the Resurrection

Thank and praise God who blessed our Easter conference.  It was held April 26-28 at Redeem Camp with 63 people. At this time we did not fulfill our target goal to invite 80 people. Only those who have a relationship with us came for this conference. However God blessed each one of us to have resurrection faith with the decision of faith to die every day and to stand firm. We also decided to give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. This is the right attitude as Christians who have the hope of the resurrection and this is the way to live victorious lives on earth.
We raised nine messengers for this conference.
The opening message was delivered by Bro. Ibukun (LUTH Chapter). He graduated from the pharmacy school of LUTH last year. Then he finished national service in February of this year. The title of his message was: “The World Without God”. The world without God is hopeless, helpless and faces eternal judgment. But God loved the world so much, so he sent his One and Only Son Jesus for us. Jesus is the only way and hope for our salvation. It was the first time for Bro. Ibukun to deliver a message, but he delivered it well by faith.
The first main messenger was Bro. Tayo (Lagos Chp. II). He graduated from UniLag with a major in mass communication last year and finished national service in February this year.
The title of his message was: “The Gospel of the Crucifixion.” He reminded us of the gospel as Apostle Paul did for Corinthian believers. We could accept the gospel newly and deeply. We must hold on to this pure gospel that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. Bro. Tayo was an excellent student while he was in school. He has a beautiful singing voice. Lagos chapter II presented a wonderful, graceful, and powerful special song by his leading.
The first evening messenger was delivered by Sh. Olumide (Lagos Chp. II). Two years ago, he graduated from UniLag with a major in accounting. Now he is running a business. Generally Nigerians do not have self-consciousness. They have talent to talk well in public. Sometimes they do not know what they talk about or there is no point in their speech. But Sh. Olumide, though he was a tall, shy man was trained to deliver messages at morning devotion, at the conferences, and even for Sunday Worship services in his chapter. As a result he became a good messenger. The title of his message was 'To Enter the Narrow Gate”. He delivered a clear message saying that if we hold on to the pure gospel we have to enter the narrow gate. I could see the evidence of the power of the gospel in him. The gospel has power to change shy people into bold and courageous people.
The first morning message was delivered by Sh. Seun (Lagos I). Now he is working in Glo Communication Company. He said that those who hold on to the pure gospel have to invest their lives for the kingdom of God. His family lived far from our church. But they moved closer to the church last month. I believe and pray that they may live a God-centered life, as he said that he will put his money and his life towards the work of God practically.
The second main message was delivered by Sh. Sabastine (Lagos Ch. I). He is a final year student in surveying at UniLag. The title of his message was 'The Power of the Risen Christ”. Sh. Sebastine delivered his message logically as Apostle Paul did. We cannot even imagine that there is no resurrection of the dead. This resurrection faith and hope for the resurrection enable us to be good soldiers of Jesus. We can be warriors of faith like Apostle Paul in our generation. Sh. Sabastine is an exemplary shepherd. He wrote his testimonies regularly and delivered messages every week for a Bible Academy. He co-worked with Sh. Ben well and they served 10-15 Bible students in his fellowship. Their Bible students became group Bible study leaders for this conference.
The second evening message was delivered by Sh. Fatoinbo John (Lagos Ch. I) who is working for Samsung Electronics. The title of his message was: 'The Sign of the End of the Age'. There are many signs of the end of the age. But people live a life of “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” What must we do and how should we live in this situation? We have to do many things. But the first priority for us must be to preach the gospel. As is a leader of Joshua Fellowship. Sh. Fatoinbo is serious about feeding sheep through co-working with M. Underwood. About ten brothers and sisters have come for Sunday worship services in his fellowship regularly this year.
The second morning message was delivered by Sh. Chiaka (LUTH). She is an art teacher in a private school. The title of her message was: “Go into All the World”. She co-works with Sh. James' family in LUTH. She serves sisters Toyin and Chioma in the midst of her sorrowful situation. May God help her to have resurrection faith so that she may overcome her sorrow and fatalism. May God have mercy on her to establish a house church.
The third main message was delivered by Sh. Ben (Lagos Ch. I). He is a lawyer, but now he works with me. The title of his message was: “The Glory of the Resurrection”. After death we will rise again with an imperishable, glorious, powerful, immortal, and everlasting body as Jesus said. We shall bear the likeness of the man from heaven. We have a fundamental victory from sin, death, and Satan through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we have to stand firm, and let nothing move us. Always we have to give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. Sh. Ben delivered his message with power and authority. So we could have hope of the glory of the resurrection.
The closing message was delivered by Bro. Kunle. He is working in a law firm. The title of his message was: “Feed My Lamb”.
Nigerians have excellent talent and a gift to deliver messages. All messages were heart -moving. So we have to pray for them to live according to their messages. Each chapter prepared special songs, drama, and dance. They presented the special songs before messages and on Saturday night. Bro. Monday, Gideon, Justine, Lara, Seun, Emilia, and Nike shared their sincere and heart-moving testimonies. A few new students came to this conference. We are going to have fellowship with them at 10 a. m. on Saturday led by M. Underwood.
We prayed for the International Summer Bible Conference. Sh. James was chosen as a main messenger for this conference by God's grace.  Sh. Fatoinbo got a U. S. visa by God's grace. We prayed for Dr. Abraham Kim to serve this conference with God's wisdom and good health. Also we prayed for our leaders to get U. S. visas, especially Sh. James so that they may see the work of God.
Personally I thank God for M. Monica who served this conference. I could not fully care for this conference because of my business. Many times I lost strength. However I could have resurrection faith through this conference. I will die someday and I will rise again. I shall be like Jesus my Lord. For this I have to die everyday to my sins of unbelief, anxiety, worry, fear and negative thinking. I have to fight against the power of darkness. I have to overcome difficulties and trials which are coming to me like waves every day. May God have mercy on me to have the resurrection faith moment by moment so that I may overcome myself and live a victorious life on earth for his glory.