M. Esther Chung's Uganda Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Jun 17, 2013
  • 1166 reads

Uganda UBF

June 17, 2013

2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

This verse is 2013 Makerere UBF’s key verse aimed to raise many effective Bible teachers among native leaders. Many a times, native members think that Bible teaching is a missionary’s job and that they have no obligation to teach the bible. This year, we and Dr. Lim intended to raise native Bible teachers among Ugandan students. This key verse is also an early UBF key word that we recited occasionally during meetings. Apostle Paul charged these words to his beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Paul prayed for him to be an effective and prayerful Bible teacher even though he was young servant. Since we have taken this key verse for Makwrere UBF, our one to one Bible study numbers have increased and our young servants like Tom and Coleens, Steven and Deogracious began Bible study with their sheep.

On July 2012, the construction of Bethesda Hospital began through Dr. John Jun and many servants’ prayer and concern. It stopped for three years and the dark frame work was covered with dust and began to rust. Through the construction work our hearts were filled with new hope and vision for Uganda and Africa for the healing mission.

Now our UBF doctors can come to Bethesda, for a short term or long term to practice medicine there, even though they will not get paid.  Also, our second generation missionaries go to Uganda and receive spiritual training and do internships. During construction, we continue to engage in bible studies in the midst of dust and loud noises.  In July 2012, a new missionary family came to Uganda and joined us in Makerere UBF.  They are Missionary Dr. Livingston Kang and Grace Kang with three children from Kwangju UBF in Korea. Dr. Livingston Kang works in the Bethesda clinic. He teaches the Bible to students with great zeal. Missionary Grace Kang has the same zeal. Both of them are gospel centered and mission centered missionaries. We thank God for them and are greatly encouraged by them.  

 Shep. Patrick Ogwang is an exemplary  shepherd and a Bible teacher among our native leaders. I now come to know why his picture is always in the UBF calendar.  His coworker, Dr. Lillian, is a pediatrician and shepherdess.  He and his fellowship (Ebenezer fellowship) pioneered another college in Nkumba. 5 or 6 students come to join worship Service every week.  Shep. Steven and Dr. Margrarett’s house church serves Jaire Fellowship. Shep. Steven studies with the young apostle’s group faithfully. Dr. Margarette raised several sisters, like Sh.Rachel,  Nakato, and Fiona through her faithful Bible teaching.  Dr. Rebekah Lim was trained in Mulago hospital to be an eye surgeon. She wants to serve the medical mission with her surgery on cataracts. She is also a diligent bible teacher who raised sh. Patience, Jeniffer, Eudine, and Jane. She also studies the Bible with her daughter, Faith Lim, through the internet.

When the construction was complete in February 2013, we held the dedication service in front of BMH. God sent many guests from the USA, Germany, Korea, Kenya, and S. Africa.  Dr. John Jun gave us a meaningful dedication message from the Book of Haggai to all of us. In his message, he said BMH became a resting and healing place for our inter-African Missionaries. He also said that BMH can be used as a training place for our second-gens. Every year, Kwangju UBF sent a healing mission team to Uganda. This year, Korea combined a team of 30 members who came to Uganda by the time we dedicated our new building. Ugandan Missionaries have never complained about welcoming and serving these members year after year. This year, all of them stayed in the new hospital guest rooms. We always welcome them and share our places with them and cook for them. They also refreshed us with necessary Korean food.  For more than 10 years, Dr. Lim welcomed many second-gens from oversea in his house and never complained about it. His house is like a station where at any time, anyone can come in and eat with them. God, who knows everything, bless him and his ministry. 

I thank God for using Missionary and Dr. Joseph so effectively in Uganda mission. His absolute and positive attitude toward God’s ministry has been a great influence to other coworkers in Uganda and to our native shepherd and sheep. He never missed early morning daily bread meeting last 3 and half years only two times missed when he was really sick. He also served Makerere students with the Words of God more than anybody in our fellowship. He became a father like shepherd for poor and troubled students. Some of them are growing as apostles. Tom, Ivan (both medical students) and Fred. Godwin, Deogracious, Simon, Henry, John, Richard, Peter, and Innocent. Among them Tom is bringing many medical students to Bible study. We are praying for him that he will be full time shepherd after his graduation.

I thank God for my ministry for sisters.  3 years ago, when we joined Makerere UBF, I saw only one or two sisters in the ministry. It was very few compared with the number of brothers. I had the sense of problem in my heart and began to pray for sisters. God answered my prayers and began to send sisters to me. I served them faithfully with the words of Genesis. Joyce, Eunice, Juliet, Miriam, and Gloria finished 50 chapters of Genesis. When they completed Genesis, I made them a certificate of completion as awards.  In my experience, it is hard to finish Genesis. Hardly any sheep remained until finishing Genesis. It is only through God’s help that they had finished Genesis. I thank God for the power of words which can change sisters. After Genesis, we studied Exodus, John, and we are now on Acts.  They remained faithful in Bible studies and grew as apostles. God also sent me new sheep, Patricia, Allen, Madrin, and Gollette.  As I look back, I think I gave myself fully to the works of God. I gave them words of God, and motherly love and care and sometimes helped them financially. In the end, I had fallen into the sense of loss. I felt that I had become empty and that there was nothing left in me. So, I complained to God, “Lord, I am weak and it is difficult to continue in God’s mission, for I am getting old and now there is nothing left in me.” Then God’s words came to me, “Esther, think about God who did not spare his one and only son and gave him to you so that you may have life.”  I repented and gave thanks to God that God has used me as the mother and bible teacher for Ugandan students. God has purified them with His words and gave them new hope and direction of life. Most of them came from polygamy family situations. And, because of poverty some of them sell their bodies to older and rich men. In this campus atmosphere, God has protected our UBF brothers and sisters and God has grown them in God’s truth. They are indeed the hope of Uganda and Africa. May the Lord fill me with his love and compassion and his Holy Spirit. Amen. I thank you for your support and prayers.  When I needed vitamins, a whole box of vitamins came to me from you.  When I needed chili powder, a whole box of chili powder came. Nothing was lacking, everything was sufficient for me. I am amazed by God’s provision in Africa.

One Word: A Workman Approved by God.

My prayer topics:                                                                                                                                                                                             

  1. To be renewed and recharged with God’s love through the ISBC.                                                                                                                                                                                               
  2. May God grant good health to Missionary Joseph Chung and me.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  3. May God raise two house churches and 12 disciples of Jesus in the Makerere Chapter.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  4. May God change Uganda into a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.             