Kaohsiung UBF Held the Fifth Summer Bible Conference, Taiwan

  • by WMD
  • Jul 07, 2013
  • 1099 reads

Kaohsiung UBF, Taiwan

July 7, 2013

In the last week of June, we held our fifth summer conference in Kaohsiung. We held our conference early this year because Msn. Steve and Shepherdess Yawen will attend the International Summer Conference this year while our precious co-workers Dr. Matthew and Dr. Judy will return to India  We thank God for watching over us, blessing us with many great visions and sincere Bible students.

The theme of the conference was "Be a blessing to all nations."  (Genesis 12:2-3) The focus of this conference was for our growing disciples.  God had such a great hope for Abraham when He called him.  God also has the same hope for each one of us as well.  We prayed earnestly for each growing disciples to hear and accept such calling.  By God's grace, most of us accepted it and our hearts are filled with joy.  We all have a clear vision that God will use our ministry to be a stepping stone and a missionary training ground for Asia pioneering work.  Since our fellowship is bilingual,  we pray to raise up bilingual Bible teachers to serve world mission.

After five years of pioneering work, God blessed us to purchase a Bible Center so that we can have a place of our own for Sunday worship, Bible study, eating fellowship, and common life.

Here are our prayer topics:

  1. Prof Steve can publish six SCI journal papers this year (urgent and very important!) so that he can apply for tenure next year.
  2. Prof Allison can publish two  SSCI journal papers this year and can become a full-time professor in NSYSU in God's time.
  3. Pray for both Steve and Allison to have good health to teach and serve
  4. Dr. Matthew and Dr. Judy can find campus positions in India.
  5. God may provide sufficient fund for us to pay off the renovation cost and to furnish the Bible Center.
  6. Pray for Shepherdess Yawen to get into the Information Management Ph.D. program with a full scholarship by next Fall.
  7. Raise up bilingual Bible teachers and campus pioneers for world mission.

Thanks you so much for your prayer support.

In Christ,

Allison Haga
