Jongno 2 UBF Summer Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jul 24, 2013
  • 922 reads

Korea UBF

July 24, 2013

Jesus, The Restoration of Our Lives


I praise God who showed his unfailing love towards sinners and his powerful healing and restoration of our hearts. God healed us completely and bestowed his salvation gracefully. For the preparation of our SBC, we poured out on earnest prayer everyday for a month and asked for his mercy like a criminal hanging right next to Jesus on the cross. When we cried out for Jesus’ healing and restoration of our hearts and our lives through eight messages, God miraculously answered us; our hearts were renewed freshly; and we could experience a great work of the Holy Spirit and overcome all of our burdens and worries. I thank and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus!

Our SBC was held July 12-15 at Sulak Mountain Retreat. A total nu mber of 122 people attended, including 30 new students. The main theme of the SBC was, “Jesus, The Restoration of Our Lives,” and the key verse was Isaiah 53:4-5.

If God blessed our SBC in quantity last year, God blessed us this year for us to deepen our faith in Him. There was great repentance among leaders and young students. Preparing their messages and writing life testimonies, we repented deeply and sincerely before God, and we were born again once more from lust and homosexuality.

We shed floods of tears full of repentance in our hearts. Messengers, life testimony speakers, presiders, missionaries, and JBF 2nd gens cried before the love and grace of Jesus.

Three women were raised by God this year as messengers. For preparation of their messages, they dedicated two months for writing; they revised their messages 10 times and rehearsed 50 times. It was really intensive training. However, they denied themselves by faith and opened a new era of women messengers with fresh, clear messages. It was eye opening for us and we had new hope in God for women messengers.

The messengers and their mentors lived together for two months to prepare the messages. Many of the mentors work full time at their jobs and full time for God. God blessed our messages through their delivery and the tears of all of the people.

Five new students from Sangmyung University came to our SBC. Thank God for his wonderful work. May God bless the pioneering work at Sangmyung University.

Eight freshman from the discipleship training group, “The New Creation Team,” accepted Jesus through the gospel of the cross. They served the dance, skit, and summer school. May God richly bless their faith in Jesus to grow throughout this year.

Personally, I thank God for renewing my heart while struggling to serve the message based on Jesus on the cross. It was not easy to prepare every SWS message and the main message at the SBC while taking charge of all the programs at the same time. However, I could understand my coworkers better who devoted themselves to the preparation of the SBC while working full time. I cried out with them and we became one in God. I learned that only sincere repentance and a thoughtful message is the way to do God’s work. I want to keep in mind the gospel. I pray that I may love our coworkers and be a participant in God’s restoration work. I praise God for his power of restoration of all lives.

One word: Jesus, the Lord of restoration of all lives.

By Spurgeon Lee
