The Life Testimony of Anna Lee from Sydney, Australia

  • by WMD
  • Aug 18, 2013
  • 1251 reads

Sydney UBF, Australia

August 17, 2013

So Loved, So Love

"In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another"

1 John 4:9-10

1. So Loved

My name is Anna Lee. I was born in 1988, into a loving family. We left our home in Seoul, for Sydney, Australia in 1995, to be missionaries. As I got older my bitterness towards my parents grew as more and more of their time was taken up with ministry and work. I felt abandoned and unloved and my relationship with my parents soured. Though my parents loved me, I saw the lack of time spent with me as speaking the exact opposite.

In high school I completely rejected the Christian faith in pursuit of my ambitions for a tennis career. I wanted nothing to do with a God who had taken my parents away from me and I hated even more the expectations that were placed on me as a second gen. I sought the approval of my friends by becoming a clone. I ate what they ate, I listened to the music that they listened to, wore the clothes that they wore and spoke the way they spoke. I became an expert at cutting people down with my words and I was out to win every argument. Everything had lost meaning and I was dead in my world of fatalism and depression.

In 2005, I graduated high school with grades that were far below the average and with no hope of entering tertiary education. God was gracious to such a sinner by sending Missionary Christine to have 1:1 Bible study with me. Week by week God was working in my heart to convict me of the truth and point me to Christ as my Saviour. 1 Peter 1:3 spoke to me of the living hope I have in Christ because of his work on the cross and his resurrection. By God’s grace, I was accepted into UWS to study Food science in 2007, and I transferred out in 2008, to study Exercise Physiology at UNSW.

In 2011, my dog died, my dad suffered an injury at work, my brother left for Korea for 6 months to teach English, and I was diagnosed with ADHD. My spiritual life was on a very fast downward spiral.  I started dating Andy, who was a close friend. As my relationship with Andy developed, God slowly faded out of the picture.  Andy had become an idol. My mum suggested that I go to London on a 6-month babysitting mission. I didn’t like babies and I didn’t want further delay my studies but I applied anyway. I had a response from Missionary Moses Yoon in 20 minutes and off I went to London. The 4 months in London felt like 40 years in the dessert. In London, God revealed to me my idolising heart. Through Daily Bread on the book of Deuteronomy, He reminded me of his faithfulness and revealed to me my disobedience and wandering heart. I learnt that prayer was not about asking God to change my circumstances but rather about asking God to change my heart. He helped me see all my problems and weaknesses as a means to glorify him.  2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Then God called me to Chicago through an invitation by Pastor Abraham Kim. In Chicago, God reminded me of the mission field I was first called to, gave me a broken heart for Australian students, and a vision for Australia to be a missionary sending nation. Through Bible study with Little Sarah and encouraging talks with Lydia Shin, I was able to make the difficult decision to break up with Andy when I got back to Sydney. I left Chicago with a firm conviction to serve God’s ministry fervently and share God’s vision for Australia to be a missionary sending nation with my chapter (my family).

2. So Love

By the grace of God I was able to complete my degree even though my professors told me it would be impossible. I set my mind on starting another degree in psychology.  But God had other plans. My mum challenged me to serve the ministry full time this year. Through Revelation Bible study, I decided not to focus on the fading hope of the things in this world and to devote this year to ministry and serve sheep.

My brother also dedicated this year to serving our ministry full time. God has blessed our fishing ministry by sending us 5 faithful Bible students. God sent me 2 new 1st year students, Charlotte and Alanna, who faithfully write testimonies each week. God raised Andy as a shepherd in our ministry and we pray to establish a house church in 2014.

Though we are few in number God is continuing to remind us of His vision for Australia. I pray that through this year I may truly learn to suffer for the gospel by loving those around me with God's love.

One word: Love with Christ's love