Urgent Prayer Request for M. Marie Kim, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Sep 26, 2013
  • 789 reads

Indonesia UBF
September 26, 2013

I have an urgent prayer topic for Msn. Marie Kim, my wife who has been suffering from a colorectal cancer. She has planned to have a big surgery on October 14th in Seoul, Korea. Please, pray for her.
She has finished first 6 weeks of chemotherapy/radiation treatments without any serious side effects. Her cancer cells are very close to the anus so we pray that the anus may be saved through the chemotherapy.
By the grace of God, she has been doing great, eating well, and exercising regularly. She prays to be recovered by faith. May God mercy on her and heal her completely.
Believing God’s almighty hands and grace….

M. Dr. William Kim, Indonesia.