A Beautiful House Church of Paul Ttam & Pauline On, Thailand UBF

  • by WMD
  • Oct 03, 2013
  • 878 reads

Thailand UBF
October 3, 2013

I praise God for establishing a faithful family between Paul Ttam & Pauline On at IV UBF in Thailand on Sep 21, 2013.

Paul and Pauline have studied Bible sincerely since 2005 and decided to be disciples of Jesus by faith. After visiting 50th anniversary Bible conference in Korea in 2011, they gained a shepherd's heart fully devoted to serving Thailand campus students. Now they are serving three students each with their shepherd heart.

For the wedding ceremony, three guests from Korea attended, prayed for them, and served the special song. Banseok Lee officiated the wedding ceremony.

Please, pray for this couple to be spiritual parents and a blessing for Thailand students who are wondering of idol worship, materialism, and adultery.

Thank God and thank you,

M. Banseok Lee.
