The Work of God in Mongolia UBF

  • by WMD
  • Oct 04, 2013
  • 1412 reads

Mongolia UBF

October 4, 2013


Isaiah 42:9 “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”

God blessed General Director Pastor Abraham Kim, Missionary Jacob Lee and Shepherd Stephen Ahn to visit the Mongolian chapters in Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia during Sept. 25-30, 2013. God declared new things to many Mongol students during the last 20 years through 5 missionary families-Aquila / Josephine Shin, Matthew / Maria Lim, Paul / Esther Kwon, Jonathan / Ruth Lee, and Yooshin / Maria Kim. God established 39 Mongolian house churches through their sacrificial life of faith. It is the mighty work of God through the Holy Spirit. Today, most Mongolian people live with the former glory of the emperor Genghis Khan, who conquered the world with the speed of the horse-riding Mongolian army. Pastor Abraham Kim gave a direction to Mongolian leaders to recover the land Genghis Khan conquered with the gospel of Jesus.
Mongolia UBF has three chapters- East Ulaan Baatar chapter which is led by Shep. Bayamagnai, M. Matthew / Maria Lim, and M. Jonathan / Ruth Lee; West Ulaan Baatar chapter which is led by M. Paul / Esther Kwon, and M. Yooshin / Maria Kim and Shep. Luvsansambu; MUIS chapter which is led by Shep. Gansukh, M. Josephine Shin, and M. Bob Von Moss from USA. Pastor Abraham Kim led a group Bible study for the East Ulaan Baatar chapter leaders based on Philippians 2:1-30. He also delivered a message for three chapters with shepherd heart based on Ephesians 3:1-21 entitled “Be filled to the Fullness of God.” All Mongolian sisters and brothers received the word of God. God gave them a vision to build up a loving community and send out missionaries to Inner Mongolia and other neighboring countries. God blessed us to experience the Mongolian tradition by riding a horse. Pastor Abraham rode the horse very well without any assistance because he received the horse riding training when he was a cadet at the Korean military academy.
There was a joyful wedding at MUIS chapter between brother Amarturshin (Angaa) and sister Enkhzaya (Zaya). Shep. Stephen Ahn from Han Nam UBF, Korea, officiated the wedding ceremony. He delivered the Sunday message for MUIS chapter. He served the Mongolian coworkers with the word of God and sacrificial love.
After Pastor Abraham Kim’s Sunday message at the East Ulaan Baatar chapter, all brothers and sisters sang a song of blessing for Pastor Abraham Kim and Jacob Lee while they were standing on the stage. West Ulaan Baatar chapter purchased a new Bible center this year. Jacob Lee gave a special lecture for West Ulaan Baatar chapter based on Romans 1:1-17 entitled “The Power of the Gospel.” The power of the gospel can overcome the modern culture because it gives salvation for everyone who believes.
Mongolia is a field ripe for harvest. Mongolia needs many short term missionaries, silver missionaries, and English teachers. May God send many prepared missionaries to this mission field! Praise God for blessing the mission team to have fellowship with Mongolian missionaries, shepherds, brothers and sisters. He also helped them to find prayer topics for the Mongolian mission. May God bless the Mongolian chapters to have God’s missionary vision and pioneer National University of Mongolia (MUIS) and all the campuses in Ulaan Baatar and five major cities in Mongolia!
One word: God is doing new things in Mongolia

Jacob Lee
